Add your Forking funny puns
Fork this project and add your fork-related pun(s?) + a profile link to the list below, then make a Pull Request to add your contributions to this repository like so...
Note: Fork-puns including profanity will be deleted.
- [Fork off](
- Fork off
- What the fork?
- Fork my life
- Sooner or later, we all encounter a fork in our lives
- Forkin' add me
- Fork you!
- Fork happens
- Some things are so forking stupid
- Stay calm and fork on!
- May the Fork be with you
- Fork yeah!
- That's Forked Up!
- These aren't the droids you are looking fork
- Fork Ro Dah!
- Get me a fork'n knife please
- Go fork yourself
- You forkgot about this one
- Are u Forking kiddin' me