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Content Types

CM Lubinski edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 2 revisions

An (incomplete) description of the elements we anticipate when displaying policy documents.

"Node"/block types

  • footnote - Content for a footnote.
  • heading - Generally, an h1/2/3/4..., depending on nesting within sections
  • list - Contains multiple elements, usually indented, like a bulleted or numbered list.
  • math - Contains mathematical formulas.
  • para - A paragraph of text.
  • policy - The root element of a policy document. May be the best place to display meta data about the whole policy.
  • sec - A section within a document. Useful for indicating hierarchy, e.g. with indentation

Additionally, the following elements have the same semantics from HTML: caption, table, tbody, td, th, thead, tr.

Inline types

  • Footnote citations
  • External links
  • Inline requirements

Product Direction

Core Concepts


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