Trajectory Optimization based on CasADi, implemented for IIT's Centauro robot.
✔️ Offline/online trajectory optimization for quadruped robots and quadruped manipulators carrying heavy payload.
✔️ Implemented using CasADi and its interface to Ipopt solver.
✔️ Implemented in Python, based on ROS.
The repo has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04, using the XbotCore 2 and Cartesian Interface developed within the HHCM lab of IIT. To use the repo you will need:
- centauro_contact_detection
- iit-centauro-ros-pkg
- xbot2_examples
- centauro_cartesio
- cartesio_collision_support (optional)
- yiannis_centauro_pytools (optional)
- hhcm_perception (optional)
casannis_walking is a catkin package. To install it you need to git clone
into your workspace:
git clone
Build with catkin_make
/ catkin build
The repo is not maintained to enable off-the-self deploying, but rather consists a record of the work done for the corresponding publication mentioned below. People interested are encouraged to contact the author.
For offline trajectory optimization try
mon launch casannis_walking cartesio.launch
mon launch casannis_walking gait.launch
mon launch casannis_walking cartesio_with_arm_ee.launch
mon launch casannis_walking gait_payload.launch
For online trajectory optimization (under development) try
mon launch casannis_walking cartesio.launch
rosrun casannis_walking
mon launch casannis_walking simple_gait_online_planner.launch
The repo is related with the following publication:
Dadiotis I., Laurenzi A., Tsagarakis N., “Trajectory Optimization for Quadruped Mobile Manipulators that Carry Heavy Payload”, 2022 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2022), Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan
If you want to refer to this work please cite with:
title={Trajectory Optimization for Quadruped Mobile Manipulators that Carry Heavy Payload},
author={Dadiotis, Ioannis and Laurenzi, Arturo and Tsagarakis, Nikos},
booktitle={2022 IEEE-RAS 21st International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)},
Ioannis Dadiotis,