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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 20th, 2015

Bill McDonald edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 1 revision

CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 20th, 2015


  • William A. McDonald – Boeing Flight Services
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Ray Lowery – Pratt & Whitney
  • Fred Banks – Banks Consulting Group, LLC
  • Henry Ryng - INXSOL
  • Rich Benak – Miller Coors
  • Chris Amyot - ICOM Productions

If I missed anyone, please let me know…


CMI-5 “Sandstone” Release Meeting (March 15-16, 2015)

The group reviewed the draft meeting notice prior to ADL formal approval to posting on the ADL website. Andy Johnson will edit to suit to meet ADL policy requirements. Andy has also confirmed that the conference room is reserved. Members of the group will also informally promote the meeting on social media prior to the ADL formal announcement being posted next week.

Migration of the “AICC” GitHub Repository to “ADL-AICC”

Although the ADL has formal ownership of both of the following GitHub Repos, it was agreed that the “AICC” named repo be migrated to the “ADL-AICC” repo to minimize confusion over the AICC’s dissolution last year.

Move “” to “”

CMI-5 Course Structure

Agreed to a name for the XML course structure file in course package. “cmi5.xml”

CMI-5 Runtime – Verb Categorization

I was discussed how CMI-5 verbs may be identified with ADL domain IRI’s (urls) and if there should be a specific CMI-5 namespace. Categories added to statement contexts could be a solution to allow a verb to be specified as “CMI-5” specific in a statement while allowing the same verb to be used in other XAPI profiles. It was determined that we need to move thoughtfully in this area as CMI-5 will likely be a model for other XAPI profile definition efforts to follow. In the XAPI community, there is an apparent desire for verbs to be shared between profiles as much as possible to reduce duplication and encourage re-use. This discussion will continue in the next meeting in preparation for the March 15th face-to-face meeting.

Next Meeting Mar 27th, 2015 – 10:30am US Eastern Time Verb IRI Management on ADL domain

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