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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – September 4th, 2015

Bill McDonald edited this page Sep 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes - September 4th, 2015


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 Working Group Leader
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Severin Neumann – eLearning AG
  • Shai Desai – Learning Plan
  • Rodolfo Long – ETS
  • Brandt Dargue – Boeing Research & Technology
  • Patrick Selby – LexisNexis
  • Henry Ryng – inXsol
  • Andrew McGarrity - Thrivist


Course Structure/AU Sequencing

After much discussion, the group agreed that sequencing was “out of scope” for the cmi5 course structure. As per previous discussions (some time ago) it was determined that sequencing be handled by LMS specific (course configuration) features. Some members of the group expressed interest in adding “informative language” as to how sequencing might be done (or defining a best practice). This will be discussed further.

Course Structure XML file location in ZIP

The group re-examined the placement of the course structure XML file (“cmi5.xml”) in the root of course packge ZIP file. Apparently (with SCORM packages) developers often misplaced the manifest file when packaging (Creating the ZIP file) to lower folder level. Vendors often developed workarounds to deal with this mistake (instead of rejecting the package). There were a few proposals to require that the LMS search for the course structure XML file, but it was finally determined that it should remain in the root. Since the cmi5 course structure specification does not explicitly prohibit the LMS from implementing “work arounds” for invalid course structures, the issue was satisfied.

Pull Request #243 (Prevent duplication of certain verbs)

The group approved this pull request that added language to prohibit duplicate statements for the following verbs (in the same AU session):

  • Launched
  • Initialized
  • Waived
  • Satisfied

Pull Request #246 (Additions to "Vendor Specific Metadata")

The group approved this pull request subject to the removal of the following language:

Course designer MAY provide their extensions as potential addition to the course structure specification as an Issue or Pull Request to the official cmi5 repository. Please check that an addition is within the scope of cmi5 and keeps the specification simple.

cmi5 adoption/promotion

Art Werekthin (RISC) is working on an “AU Simulator” for testing cmi5 LMS systems. Art is considering making it open source if the ADL is willing to be a custodian of it. Andy Johnson will investigate.

There is a new LinkedIn group for cmi5 (called “cmi5”). Members of the cmi5 working group are encouraged to participate.

Bill McDonald will be presenting on cmi5/xAPI for the Seattle area “vNext” Meetup on Sept 15.

Next Meeting

Next Meeting: September 11th, 2015 – 10:30 am US Eastern Time

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