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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – November 13th, 2015

Bill McDonald edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 1 revision

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes - November 13th, 2015


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 Working Group Leader
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Ray Lowery - Pratt & Whitney
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Brian Miller – Rustici Software
  • Art Werkenthin – RISC inc
  • Henry Ryng – inXsol
  • Andrew McGarrity - Thrivist
  • Dennis Hall -
  • David Pesce – Exputo
  • Patrick Selby - LexisNexis


cmi5 Specification Changes

Based on a discussion of issue #342 (8.2.3 Errors needs HTTP status code specification), the group agreed on the following change for LMS Usage in the following section:

8.2.2 Definition: auth-token

The LMS MUST place the value for auth-token in a JSON structure, as shown in Section 8.2.1, in its response to a fetch URL request. The response MUST have a Content-Type of "application/json". The HTTP status code MUST be “200” for a valid request (including one that generates error as described in section 8.2.3).

Based on a discussion of issue #313 (Abandoned Statement Duration) the group agreed on the change in the following section: LMS statements that include duration Abandoned Statement

The duration property MUST be included in "Abandoned" statements. The duration property MUST, at a minimum, be set as the total session time, calculated as the time between the "Launched" statement and the last statement (of any kind) issued by the AU. The LMS SHOULD also use other (LMS specific) methods (if available) to determine if the total session time was longer.

Next Meeting:

Next Meeting: November 20th, 2015 – 10:30 am US Eastern Time

Previous Minutes

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