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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes November 14th, 2014

MrBillMcDonald edited this page Nov 14, 2014 · 1 revision

CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes - November 14th, 2014


  • William A. McDonald – Boeing Flight Services
  • Bernard Bouyt - Airbus
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • Henry Ryng – INXSOL


Alternative Launch Environments We have not discussed this topic in a while, but feel it is time revisit it. The focus will be how to launch “apps” from an LMS in an interoperable way to support CMI-5. Currently the only launch mechanism is a browser-redirect/new browser window.

More Spec “clean-up” The rest of the meeting was focused on general specification “clean-up” based on past discussions…

(CMI-5 Runtime Spec)

General Determine which “camel case” convention to use for Course Structure data referenced in JSON (e.g. “MasteryScore” vs “masteryScore”)

Change the references in the in the following sections

  • 9.3.4 See AU Obligations
  • 9.3.8 See LMS Obligations
  • 9.3.10 See Section 9.3.8 Abandoned

Change the verbiage in the following sections

7.0 AU Requirements

AU’s must meet the following requirements to conform to this specification:

  • The AU must implement the runtime launch interface as defined in Section 8 Content Launch Mechanisms.
  • The AU must implement runtime communication defined in the XAPI Specification.
  • The AU must implement additional XAPI “Statement API” requirements as defined in section 9.0.
  • The AU must implement additional XAPI “Agent Profile API” requirements as defined in section 11.0

(Strike Reference to section 12.0)

7.2.2 First Statement API Call

The AU must issue a statement to the LRS after being launched, initialized, and ready for learner interaction using the Initialized verb per section 9.3.2 (Strike the rest)

7.1.2 Last Statement Call

The AU must issue a statement to the LRS prior to termination using the Terminated verb per section 9.3.10

(Strike the rest)

12.0 XAPI Activity Profile Data Model

The AU may use the Activity Profile API per the XAPI specification (section 7.5 Activity Profile API)

Next Meeting

Discuss other Launch Environments

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