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Get document class info

Clément Denis edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

Get document class info

Libraries contain documents of various types. These document types, defined ahead of time, are called classes. When a library is first created, it automatically gets outfitted with a default document type, or class. Other classes in your target library might already have been created for you.

These methods are useful when working with classes:

What follows is an elaboration on each of these methods.

List classes (to find target classes for your documents)

You can list available target classes for your documents as follows:

Method and API

Play with the API Explorer:



Only libraryId is mandatory.

Sample request


To return just the bare minimum of class ID and displayName in the response, you can filter the results by populating the fields query parameter with items(displayName,id,kind),kind with %2C in place of each comma as follows:



The response returns an ApiDocumentTypeList resource, listing all document classes available as part of the specified library.

Response fields of note:

  • id (of the class)
  • displayName(of the class)
  • libraryId (of the library we searched)
  • defaultClass (whether or not this is the library's default class)
  • any other fields of interest

Sample full response

  "kind": "aodocs#classList",
  "items": [
      "kind": "aodocs#classId",
      "id": "RnTbOft44KfZYkfBpV",
      "displayName": "my-dms-class-001-default",
      "libraryId": "RnTG8PDu8ZqTuDVHcv",
      "defaultClass": true,
      "kind": "aodocs#classId",
      "id": "RnTf1mx35gaTJLzoFp",
      "displayName": "my-dms-class-002-not-default",
      "libraryId": "RnTG8PDu8ZqTuDVHcv",
      "defaultClass": false,

Sample filtered response

  "kind": "aodocs#classList",
  "items": [
      "kind": "aodocs#classId",
      "id": "Rmk8LOJ1y0Jlwq8cxz",
      "displayName": "testClassInsideDMS"
      "kind": "aodocs#classId",
      "id": "Rmn9gYNz9JwCVfQaIK",
      "displayName": "testClass2insideDMS"

List classes in the UI

You can also list your library classes in the UI, on the Library Administration page.

Go to Administration > Library administration. In the left-hand pane, go to Library configuration > Document classes. This is where your classes are listed. Note the singular green checkmark signifying the library's default class.


Get a specific class by ID

You can retrieve (the configuration of) a specific class/documentType to confirm it exists or to parse something from its metadata if you have its documentTypeId (class ID).

Method and API

Play with the API Explorer:

In the command above:

  • documentType is the API
  • v1 is the API version
  • libraries is the top-level resource
  • documentTypes or class is the nested resource



Pass the mandatory class ID (documentTypeId) and the library ID (libId) of the library the class resides in — both as path parameters (not in the query string).



The response returns an ApiDocumentType resource, listing the specified class.

Response fields of note:

  • id (of the class)
  • displayName (of the class)
  • libraryId (of the library you searched)
  • defaultClass (whether or not this is the library's default class)

Sample response

    "kind": "aodocs#documentType",
    "id": "RnTbOft44KfZYkfBpV",
    "displayName": "my-dms-class-001-not-default",
    "libraryId": "RnTG8PDu8ZqTuDVHcv",
  "defaultClass": true,