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List, search, and count documents

Clément Denis edited this page Jun 8, 2020 · 3 revisions

List and search documents

In this section, we explore the following:

  • Get document by ID
  • List documents in a library
  • Count documents in a library
  • Search documents from a specific class

Get specific document by ID

You can retrieve (the configuration of) a specific document to parse something from its metadata (or just confirm it exists) if you have its documentId.

Note: As always, you can look for the file in the UI as well. If for whatever reason it does not appear there after you've created a new document, it might be because of the way your Views are set up. Go to your Library administration page, go to Views, and select the checkbox called "View documents from other classes".

Method and API

Play with the API Explorer:



Only documentId is mandatory, and it must be an AODocs documentId not a Drive fileId.

Sample request (asking for a full resource)


If you need only some of the fields of the extensive ApiDocument resource to come back, you can specify them in the fields array field of the request and sending this list as a query parameter. For example, you might want to request only the library name, class name, library ID, class ID, document ID, title, and the document description.

Sample request (partial resource)


Note: To get an AODocs document (including its documentId) by the Drive ID of one of its attachments, use the GET /document/v1/drive/{driveId} method.


The response returns an ApiDocument resource, listing the document associated with the provided document ID. The document's ID is id, and its class is what you specified in the request, else of the library's default type.

Sample Response

  "kind": "aodocs#document",
  "libraryName": "my-DMS-lib-001",
  "className": "my-dms-class-002",
  "libraryId": "RnTG8PDu8ZqTuDVHcv",
  "classId": "RnTf1mx35gaTJLzoFp",
  "id": "RnTzVT28x5Sb48h3vSQ",  <— documentId
  "title": "my-dms-doc-002",
  "richText"": "",

List documents of a library

Note: This is available only to library administrators.

You can list documents associated with a particular library as follows.

Method and API

Play with the API Explorer:



libraryId is a path parameter. It is the only mandatory parameter.

Sample request



The response returns an ApiDocumentList resource, listing all documents associated with the specified library.

Sample Response

    "kind": "aodocs#documentList",
    "documentList": [
        "kind": "aodocs#document",
        "libraryName": "my-DMS-lib-001",
        "className": "my-dms-class-002",
        "libraryId": "RnTG8PDu8ZqTuDVHcv",
        "classId": "RnTf1mx35gaTJLzoFp",
        "id": "RnTzVT28x5Sb48h3vSQ",  <— documentId
        "title": "my-dms-doc-002",
        "richText"": "",
        "kind": "aodocs#document",

Count documents of a library

Note: This is available only to library administrators.

You can count the number of documents associated with a particular library (and optionally class) as follows.

Method and API

Play with the API Explorer:



libraryId is a path parameter. It is the only mandatory parameter. However, using the classId helps narrow the response to documents of a specific class you want.

Sample request



The response returns an ApiDocumentCount resource, giving a count of all documents associated with the specified library (and class if you specified the classId).

Sample response

  "kind": "aodocs#documentCount",
  "count": 12

Search documents of a class

You can search for documents associated with a particular library and a particular class as follows.

Method and API

Play with the API Explorer:



This method searches documents of a class matching the provided query. It might become very slow or time out when iterating over many pages of results. If the result set contains more than 10,000 documents, it's highly likely the response will get truncated and some results will be missing. You should always check if precision=INCOMPLETE_RESULT in the response.

Note: By default, the method includes attachments in the search. You can exclude searching in attachments by setting the searchInAttachments parameter to false.


libraryId is a path parameter and classId is a query parameter. These are the only mandatory arguments. However, the searchQuery query parameter is what ultimately determines what results come back, filtering them on a text string.

Note: If you want to search for a specific phrase as a singular whole, put double quotes around the phrase being passed as a searchQuery query parameter. For example, if your document is called "big blue document", then sending "big blue" or "blue document" (with the double quotes) as the searchQuery query parameter finds it, but "big document" does not.

Sample request



The response returns an ApiSearchResult resource, listing all documents that match the specified query.

Sample response

    "kind": "aodocs#documentList",
    "documentList": [
        "kind": "aodocs#document",
        "libraryName": "my-DMS-lib-001",
        "className": "my-dms-class-002",
        "libraryId": "RrVWqiT8059P4t8aVYI",
        "classId": "RrVWtjs801GlsyxIDJe",
        "id": "RnTzVT28x5Sb48h3vSQ",  <— documentId
        "title": "big blue document",

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