Releases: ATTWoWAddon/AllTheThings
4.2.12 (2025-02-09)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [DB] SoD: Delete mini in Karazhan Crypts.
- I am hungry, also forgot to save Zangarmarsh for previous commit
- TBC fishing and herbs, and Thick Clefthoof Leather
- Update retail build config
- Mark Coward’s Azure Target as removed
- Classic: Fixed an issue involving achievement criteria causing the their respective achievements to lose filtering when displayed in the Achievements Dynamic Category.
- Cata: Corrected phase requirements on the "End Time" and "Hour of Twilight" drop locations for Love is in the Air.
- More worldquest fixes
Legion petbattles - Lunar Festival: Elune's Blessing
- Cata: Fixed tooltip for A. I. D.A. Terminal. (In Retail its A.I.D.A. Terminal without the extra spaces... BLIZZZARD.)
- A.I.D.A. Communicator dropped after doing nearly no quests in the zone. Further investigation warranted.
- Delegation Tracker HQT removed as a source quest for Delegation. (technically they are available at the same time)
- On a Wing and a Prayer takes place in Caverns of Time. Also added object data for Timeless Eye.
- More Empyrium objects for the MobileDB
- Merge branch 'master' of
- [DB} Some Accountwide quests
- Empyrium Seam added to MobileDB
- HATs gonna HAT
- PTR: build 58999
- Cata: Festival Lantern / Lunar Lantern are indeed faction specific.
- WotLK Dalaran: The Mischief Maker
- PTR: build 58945 backlog
- Cata: Added more placeholder Protocol Twilight loot to the vendor that doesn't exist yet on the PTR.
- Shadowfang Keep: Deathsworn Captain
- Dragon Soul: Misc descriptions
- Cataclysm: Added placeholder data for Protocol Twilight.
- Update 11.1 Mount/ToyDB
- [Logic] containsAnyKey returns the key value which matched
- [Parser] molemachine now generates a Character Unlock type with an Auto Name based on ExplorationID
[DB] Dark Iron Mole machines now reference their proper Exploration Area (where known) instead of English-only names
[Logic] Variant 'WithAutoName' now uses CloneDictionary to assign the data so as to not replace pre-defined field values (i.e. custom icons) - [Parser] No longer strips the 'name' field if supplied to a Character Quest Unlock or Vignette object
- [DB] HEADERS.Exploration is now supported for referencing Exploration names from other Types
- [Logic] Added protection to CloneDictionary if used on a table with a metatable
- [Logic] Fixed an issue where variants supplied in Extended classes were being inadvertently wiped
- [DB] Applied proper Earthen Races to respective quests
- [DB] Some retail-errors fixes
The Eye of Haramad is a provider not a Cost
'Rumors of Mechagon should now lock when expected - [DB] Schematic Reassimilation: Pale Regal Cervid (quest) is locked by having the account-wide Achievement
- [Tooltip] 'Maps' information type now uses reference 'coords' if no 'maps' defined (feedback welcome on if this should be reduced to certain Types of Things, but it's pretty minimal and helpful to guide on where to travel at a glance)
[Tooltip] 'Maps' information type no longer excludes showing the current map name when applicable - [Timeline] Update Cata Classic.
- [DB] SoD: Update Tier-Set Shoulder Enchants.
- Sort Class Hall and other expansion feature HQTs
- Simply Rune is Dwarf only, not Night Elf.
- K/Badlands: Update coordinates, MobileDB, Vendor Symlinks
- [DB] SoD: Add Tier-Set Shoulder Enchants.
- [DB] Update Cata sourceID.
- Revert "[DB] Update Cata sourceID."
- [DB] Update Cata sourceID.
- [DB] Update SoD SourceID.
- [Misc.] Miss comma.
- [Localization] Update zhCN: fix typo.
- Always more objects
- More PTR achievement stuff
- New Wago PTR files, AchievementDB harvest grabbed from PTR, touched Parser a little bit so that all the new Resilient Keystone achievements show their criteria automagically
- Removed explicit REMOVED_FROM_GAME tag.
- [DB] Few more redundant QI listings removed
- Sort Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms HQTs, and the Garrison
- EK/The Hinterlands: Update HQTs, descriptions, MobileDB, Vendor Symlinks
- [DB] Removed 'Misplaced' Anima Tolls from a couple inaccurate Sources
- [DB] Synthebrew Goggles are 'provider' not a 'cost' since they are not consumed (though it is weird to link them to the quest in this way at all since they're provided with the quest...)
- But like actually this time
- Update 11.1 Mount/PetDB
- Add Twilight/Sky Witch's Sweeper mounts
- Love is in the Air: Qurst Coordinate updates, MobileDB
4.2.11 (2025-02-04)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- Double checking names did not happen here.
- Fixed Dornogal exploration.
Added Malgen's Long Bow to Quantum Bow.
Added timeline for the backup quest of Pale Regal Cervid Schematic. - Added Brewfest header for HQTs.
Fixed expansion in HQTs for Children's Week. - Classic: Fixed parsing bug.
- PTR: daily stuff update
- Sort Holiday and Wrath/WOD/TBC zone HQTs
- Cata: Updated the Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest quest chain to properly use objectives.
- Cata: Adjusted the Shadowmourne quest chain to use Objectives properly.
- Cata: The original cataclysm necks are now unobtainable in Cataclysm Classic.
- [Misc.] Fix grammar.
- [Timeline] Update Cata classic.
- Crafted Items/TBC: Nether Dragonscales and Wind Scales
- [Localization] Update zhTW.
- Cata: Added the 378 ilvl variants of the necklaces from Love is in the Air.
- [DB] Cata: Update coord.
- [DB] Cata: Update start quest.
- #1903 Updated the Heart-Shaped Box for Cataclysm Classic.
- EK/The Cape of Stranglethorn: Update coordinates, descriptions, MobileDB, Vendor Symlinks
- Tab wrangling
- Retail: update cost on rogue order hall vendor & link org & sw vendors to said vendor
- Retail: Add Alpheus Cain to orgrimmar vendors
- note
- bit ingameshop shorting for what contributors see
- mount buff HQT
- Update zhCN locales (#1902)
- Update zhCN locales
- Update zhCN locales
- Add new Love is in The Air rewards, droprate hqt pending
- Lunar Festival: Lunar Preservation
- Lunar Festival: Descriptions.
- Fixed timelines for new Gear Update items.
- Fixed timelines for new Heritage items.
Changed few more HQTs for future TODO. - BFA stuffs
- Missing zone icons for Legion
- Sort Legion/BFA zone HQTs
- Added missing waistcoats to Earthen Heritage rewards
4.2.10 (2025-02-01)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [DB] Update zhCN: The Four Horsemen.
- [DB] SoD: Add Bosses: Karazhan Crypts.
- [DB] Add QI: The Hypothesis.
- [DB] SoD: Add qg of quests in Karazhan Crypts.
- [Parser] Update SoD builds.
- [Timeline] Update SoD timeline.
- [Timeline] Add build number.
- [Timeline] Add launch date.
- Update Trading Post, wowhead missed an item
- Update retail build config
- Mark Doritos/Mountain Dew promo as removed
As you can no longer redeem codes for points - Add Trading Post 2nd Anniversary Vendors
- Add Feb2025 Trading Post
- Sort some Argus/Nazjatar HQTs
- Sort Instance HQTS through BFA
- DF/The Walking Shores: Update quest givers and targets for quests "Same as the Old Boss"
Ref: 0cd3694 - Add Plunderstorm spoil reward
- Classic: Improved the Sync Window by limiting chunks to one character and responses to a queue.
- [Logic] ExtendClass no longer copies any connected 'variants' from the extended Class
This fixes some Classic window commands to load properly (though in testing, the functionality of the window seemed undesirable for typical gameplay) - Sorted hidden achievement
- Missing coord
- PTR: daily stuff update
- Sort Wrath/Cata instance HQTs
- Lunar Festival: Update 'Valadar Starsong' (q:8883) quest coordinates
- Sort Classic/BC dungeon HQTs
- [Logic] Retail: Force GetDataCache to be called during 'OnLoad'
Prior it was called due to the OnReady loading of the TradeSkills window at that time, and perhaps the script timeout has been reduced drastically by that point within instances for an initial character login. [There doesn't seem to be an API or cvar available which tells the current script timeout] - [Logic] Retail: Slight cleanup and simplification of functions within GetSearchResults
- [Logic] Retail: Moved the Moving/Sizing ATT window code to the Retail Window Logic file
Other minor logic cleanup - Setup Feb trading post, update some LIITA notes
- [Find] SoD: Update max id.
- PTR: Weekly reset, new build
- fixed conquest weapon costs (available in vendor with this build)
- cartel r9 quest
- added different different things for undermine zone itself
- fixed a bit vendor stuff
- Sort more MoP HQTs
- Northern Stranglethorn: Update wording on some descriptions
- Move Zandalar FoS out of Anniversary, minor updates
- Gear Update: Sort two weapons to Hunter's Footlocker
- [DB] SoD: Fix quest coord.
4.2.9a (2025-01-29)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [DB] SoD: Update questchains for Karazhan Crypts.
- [DB] Update sq for Karazhan Crypts.
- [DB] SoD: Uniform desc..
- [DB] Fix typo.
- [DB] SoD: Add sq of Karazhan Crypts.
- [DB] SoD: Update lvl/coord of Karazhan Crypts.
- [DB] SoD: Add desc. for NAXX.
- [DB] Format.
- [DB] SoD: Add desc./coord for Karazhan Crypts.
- [DB]SoD: Add lvl of Karazhan Crypts.
- Clear some sorted stuff from the NYI files
- Sort some MoP HQTs
- [Logic] Added a bonusID to properly show upgrades for Primal Storms items from Vendor
- Update MountDB
- Lunar Festival: The Weeping Elder
- Fix some Lunar Festival quests, add classic timewalking weekly, unremove remix breadcrumb
- Lunar Festival: Elder in BrD.
- Fixed old Midsummer quests.
- Molten Front: Zen'Vorka's Cache
- Add coords & questgiver info to the Elders of Khaz Algar
- Add new Lunar Festival mount
- Blackrock Depths: Descriptions
- Zul'Gurub: Skinned materials.
- #929 Teldrassil: The Refusal of the Aspects is Night Elf Only.
- [DB} Fixed listing of Crackleroar
- [Logic] Retail: Migrated Custom Collect logic into a Module
- Fix some reported errors
- Fixed few legion artifact names from being unreadable.
- Copy pasting might not be good always.
- Added support for spellID provider.
Added provider to FirstCrafts. - Ops, I thought this is mog.
- Fixed parser warnings with wrong modID of timewalking items.
- Added provider to FirstSkins.
Added todo of spell provider for FirstCrafts. - Made quantum HQTs collectible, since we have HQT filter now.
Removed duplicated quantum HQTs from the past. - Deprecated "postprocess" symlink command as it was doing weird stuff to the data itself.
Reparsed all classic DBs to remove the postprocess command from the db completely. - Retail: Extraction and Transcribe into uncollectible (to remove NYI tooltip)
- BFA / Horde Questline
Contributor reports - Northern Stranglethorn updates (Alliance)
- [Logic] Retail: More simplification in get search results & fixed Item String
- missed item name
- PTR: weekly update
4.2.9 (2025-01-26)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
prase for release
Dustwalllow Marsh: Alcaz Island new header
Retail Errors: Small fixes
Quick timeline fix
Add Sergeant Thunderhorn to cata firelands phase as base pvp vendor (#1896)
Add Sergeant Thunderhorn too cata firelands phase as base pvp conquest vendor for horde (ruthless season)Co-authored-by: Piotr
Cata: Lieutenant Rachel Vaccar also sells weapons.
Cata: Added Lieutenant Rachel Vaccar to Stormwind.
Cata: Updated some Stormwind City vendor symlinks.
[Logic] Retail: SearchForLink used for links now also returns the used params for the search
(This can help skip extra logic in the search results which would just determine the same values anyway)
[Logic] Retail: GetSearchResults now skips some extra rawlink-based param checking when the 2nd param has already been returned by the actual Search function -
[Logic] Retail: CleanInheritingGroups for 'sourceIgnored' is now applied to the results selected for the 'meta_achievement' symlink
(Lacking this was causing Achievements used within 'meta_achievement' to have their 'sourceParent' assigned to the Achievements category and causing themselves to be ignored as well within future search results, leading to content sourced under those Achievements to act as if it didn't exist in the addon for some cases) -
[Logic] Retail: Priority object nesting now includes the current Filter Settings following the Character-specific Filters
[DB] Change file name.
[DB] Change folder&file name.
[DB] Uniform folder's name.
[DB] Retail: Update header: 60 Boost.
Use ach header instead of custom header. -
[DB] Retail: Update header: 50 Boost.
Use ach header instead of custom header. -
[DB] Retail: Update header: 120 Boost.
Use ach header instead of custom header. -
[DB] Retail: Update header: 110 Boost.
Use ach header instead of custom header. -
[DB] Retail: Update header: 100 Boost.
Use ach header instead of custom header. -
[DB] Retail: Update header: 90 Boost.
Use ach header instead of custom header. -
objects / parse
Fix some minor errors
Latest PTR patch achievements and rewards also covered
Some achievement rewards from PTR
Sorting PTR achievements
Slimesby criteria fix
Wago PTR file update
[Cata] tag day of the dead mask as not collectible (#1894)
tag day of the dead mask as not collectible in cata -
[Cata] fix missing items from wotlk dungeons (#1893)
fix missing items from wotlk dungeons -
Update Mount/ToyDB
[Cata] mark naxx10 items lost with wotlk H+ as not available (#1892)
mark naxx10 items lost as not available -
[Cata] add wotlk S1 savage weapons still available (#1891)
add wotlk S1 savage weapons still available -
Fixed costs pre-Legion to not use itemModID.
[DB] Add description.
Replace tbc by a real description. -
[DB] Fix syntax.
[DB] Fix typo.
objects etc
Can someone "fix" Spellmace are we adding Alliance only? -
[Logic] Retail: Huge Cost refactor
- Costs now calculate and account for the current character's current quantity of Item/Currency required to 'complete' a given Cost, based on current ATT data (e.g. if you need 1 Potato to buy a Mount, and you already have that 1 potato, it won't show in the list as a Cost) (may determine certain situations to bypass this logic for situations that include RNG within a Cost-based container)
- Costs now run in a more split-up way on the Runner to even out potential frame spikes
- Lots of other Cost logic moved around and improved for efficiency
- Please report any new performance issues with ATT if noticed
[Logic] Retail: ResolveSymbolicLink can now be passed a 'refonly' param
'refonly' skips the cloning of the resulting groups and should only be used when the caller is sure that no modifications will be made to the symlinked content -
[Logic] Retail: Costs are now only marked on groups which already meet the current filters
e.g. unobtainables which are costs for obtainables will no longer be marked as costs and be visible in lists due to being a cost -
[Logic] Retail: Added recursion protection to CollectibleAsCost
[Logic] Recursive Filters are now referenced in the Filters module as well for debugging purposes
(May eventually remove them from 'app' scope and reference from the Module in the future) -
[Logic] Fixed 'Contains' including the Quest Chain header for popout roots
[Logic] - Runner updates
Runners can now use 'ToggleDebugFrameTime' to enable debug prints of their per-frame timings
Runner error stack traces are now more useful by using xpcall instead of pcall -
[DB] Removed inaccurate QI listings in Mechagon
'Bundle of Recyclable Parts' is not a quest item, it's a cost for the Quest -
added plunderstorm end date
Timewalking: Timeline some quests and move "Path Through Time" quest to their respective TW event
- Some minor things
Missed timeline.
Corrected many timewalking quests.
Added timelines and fixed "Something different" quest.
Added missing HQTs for dungeon queues for timewalking. -
[Localization] Update de/es/pt: Guest Relations.
PTR: Weekly reset, no new build
Fix typo
Pre-Wrath: Updated Lunar Festival to 01/28 - 02/18 for 2025.
Timewalking: Valdrakken "Weekly Holiday" quests were removed at release of TWW
Timewalking: new Legion's "Journey Through Time" quests
[Localization] Update zhTW: Zul'Aman.
[Localization] Update zhTW: objects of Zul'Aman.
Retail: Fix shaman class hall's version of Firelands showing Things from Mount Hyjal. (#1890)
Retail: Add Shaman class hall's Firelands as separate zone and remove as sub-zone of Mount Hyjal
Retail: Assign shaman class hall quests that take place in the Firelands Scenario to this scenario
Retail: Move shaman class hall's Firelands to under EF>Class Hall>Shaman
[Localization] Update zhTW: Gear Conversion.
[Localization] Update zhTW: zulaman timed event.
[Localization] Update other langs: Guest Relations.
[Misc.] Add description in instanceDB.
[Localization] Update zhTW: Infinite Bazaar.
[API Wrapper] Function process.
Cancel dynamic type checking and rely only on static checking. -
[API Wrapper] Function annotation: varargs.
The parameter can be a "function" or "nil". -
[Cata] tag wotlk S5 honor weapons as never available (#1886)
- tag wotlk S5 weapons as never available
- add arsenal patch version 7.2.0
Add Inky Snapdragon Treat
Update Plunderstore HQTs
Update Legion timewalking, add Circe toy
Crates of Archaeology Fragments now properly show their containing fragments and uses
ATT links can now be shift-clicked to perform typical shift-linking chat operations instead of opening an ATT search popout for that Thing (i.e. collection message links)
Rituals of the Improved Moon by Darkal
[DB] Format.
Removed some unnecessary BoA item calls for Parser
Fix some reported errors
Update 03 - Wrath of the Lich King.lua
Crafted items/WotLK: Fixes of the Classic Moon
Fixed various Costs which should be Providers (since they are not consumed or removed)
Added proper Shadow Dust and Glowcap sources -
Fixed a logic issue where repeatable Quests would be considered available even when Locked
Boarhide Leggings was removed with Cata and added back in BFA.
[Localization] Update WoD Dungeons.
[DB] Updated all DBs.
[DB] Use Drops instead of Drop.
[DB] Use Drops instead of Drop.
[DB] add HQT: Naxxramas entrance.
Revert "[Filters] The Warglaives category did not exist before Legion."
[Filters] The Warglaives category did not exist before Legion.
[DB] Move quests from NYI to appropriate maps.
Shadowlands stuffs
[DB] Change the parser logic.
ephemera strand not unique (#1888)
removing pale regal cervid q from nyi
enlightened rep reward fix pt 2
enlightened rep reward fix
added overseer to deadmines crs drop
lord valthalak should show now, if you have the fitler untracked
included BGblit in vicious mount saddle note
df s3/s4 outdoor items no longer show as eligible to revival catalyst
Generate Missing Files
Adjust description for Hero's Call: Shadowmoon Valley! (Draenor)
4.2.8 (2025-01-19)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [DB] Update ach in classic: Littlest Pet Shop.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Elemental Bonds.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: The Troll Incursion.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Protocols.
- [Cata] fix BC S1 pvp faction only items (#1887)
fix BC S1 pvp faction only items - Few more HQT for Hivemind instead of Quest
- [DB] Update dungeon coord: Karazhan Crypts.
- [Parser] Update Classic Era config.
- [DB] Update SoD phase's descriptions.
- Object location updates
- DF 'Catch and Release' quests now have proper costs
- DF Elusive creatures now have bait and coords attached to the respective Achievement Criterias
- Moved rank 3/3 Raging Tempests gear to a new 'Upgrade' header under Primal Storms instead of being sourced on a random upgrade NPC in Forbidden Reach
- [Parser] Update SoD config.
- [DB] Update InstanceDB: Karazhan Crypts.
- Variant classes can now define a '__onclassgenerated' function which is called with the resulting variant class name when it is generated for a Class
Appearance collection logic is now stored in a Global Variant called 'AndAppearance'
Heirlooms now have a variant Class "HeirloomAndAppearance" (replacing "HeirloomWithAppearance") which directly inherits all the necessary Appearance logic from the Transmog module instead of being defined directly in the Heirloom module (e.g. this fixes Heirlooms which have an Appeareance from not following other Appearance collection logic properly -- i.e. Heirlooms now follow Unique logic as expected) - [Localization] Update zhTW: The Scourge Invasion.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: The Four Horsemen.
- [DB] add SoD dungeon: Karazhan Crypts.
- PTR: Delve - season 2 adventure progress hqts for rewards
- PTR: Season 2 pvp vendors (part 2)
- PTR: Season 2 pvp vendors (part 1)
- Fixed Battered Hilt header groups to current standards
Moved a couple raw quests for current standards
Converted a lot of Quests into HQT to better reflect their purpose - Retail: Objects (mostly mobile)
- PTR: New build - messing around in open world and delves
- Another ritual of the new moon.
- Revert "Crafted items/WotLK: Groups for Ritual of the New Moon"
- Crafted items/WotLK: Groups for Ritual of the New Moon
- Update garrison inn quests with object sourcing and maps
- SL: Harika the Horrid, clarify description a bit as we don't interact with the Ballista but with Wingsmash.
Also, remove the Bolt as the provider as it still spews contrib errors about quest giver being way off the coordinate. - Fixed up the Thrayir unlock HQTs
Symlinked non-guaranteed rewards from one-time Captain Lancekat's Discretionary Funds object - Removed migrated HQT
- some sounds for later.. maybe
- Update Mount/Pet/ToyDB
- Update WoD timewalking, fixes #1884
4.2.7a (2025-01-16)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- BFA things
- Zul Farrak: Desertwalker Cone specification
- Another Oribos HQT moved
- Couple HQT updates in Oribos
- [DB] Added "old" quest: Attunement to the Core.
- titleID is NOT the maskID, who knew?
- Contribute: Slight adjustment for object interaction reports since the objectID can differ from the ID of the found Thing (i.e. provider object on a header, etc. we want to see both IDs)
- Added a 'Hidden Quests' Dynamic category
- Plunderstorm shows in Main List now
TODO - Add proper end date - Organized remaining top-level HQTs
- Add Plunderstorm Titles
- More HQT organization based on source file
- todo for plunder
- plunderwin and plunder 1mil plunder fos are both back
- Fixed some Korthia data & adjusted Korthia HQT categorization
- Fix some reported errors, fixes #1763
- Fixed a duped questID in Timeless Isle and related achievement automation
- [VSCode] Disable diagnostics on ignored & library files.
- [DB] Added "old" Stranglethorn Vale quests to the db.
Fixed Missing Quest 614 #1861. - Revert "[DB] Add crit for ach: A Simple Re-Quest."
- Revert "[Classic Logic] Replace GetAchievementCriteriaInfo by GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID."
- [Classic Logic] Replace GetAchievementCriteriaInfo by GetAchievementCriteriaInfoByID.
This is a walkaround to fix the issue with crit not working in classic.
It is not final and will need to be reverted when the crit header classification bug is fixed. -
PTR: daily stuff update + weekly reset (but no new build)
- [DB] Try to fix parser error in classic: q: 31145.
- [DB] Try to fix parser error in classic: q: 31137.
- [DB] Try to fix parser error in classic: q: 41218.
- [DB] Try to fix parser error in classic: q: 75189.
- Fix symlink for Pool Cleaner
- [DB] Delete wrong questid.
- Add 6 month sub items, timeline out Diablo IV promo
- [DB] Update crit of ach: Exile's Reach.
Since Shadowlands was launched in retail, the conditions for obtaining the achievement have been changed to be based on HQT.
The situation where you need to complete subsequent tasks in the capital should only exist in the beta. - [DB] Try to fix parser error in classic: q: 27022.
- Fixed last class (warrior) elite gear in TWW season 1.
- [Misc.] Add annotation: inst.
- [Misc.] Add annotation: map.
- [Misc.] Add annotation: npc.
- Added 'RowOnClick' to the ignored debug events (it's still too spammy for me)
- Contribute: Check for non-sourced openable objects can now include provider-referenced objects
- Various Hallowfall achievement updates
- Contribute: Object check now includes when objects are listed as providers for other Things as well
- [DB] Add another mapid: Tak-Rethan Abyss.
- [DB] Update InstanceDB.
- PTR: daily stuff update
- Revert "[DB] Remove custom header: Nightmare Grove."
- Revert "[logic] add RealzoneTextRunner."
mini list broken again, revert commit :( . - Source more GameObjects to the quests, add some coordinates
- WoD: Source some GameObject with their Quest Items
- Swamp of Sorrows updates
- Some quest sorting
- Adjusted TWW achievements because "kill boss on mythic" has remained a valid criteria for past achievements so we can reasonably assume the pattern will continue (unless it is ruled a bug and gets fixed....)
- Last bunch of 11.1.0 achievements (for now, probably...)
- [DB] Remove custom header: Nightmare Grove.
- [DB] Update instanceDB: SoD.
- [DB] Update InstanceDB.
- [DB] Update InstanceDB.
- [logic] add RealzoneTextRunner.
- [DB] Try to fix syntax.
- [DB] Add crit for ach: A Simple Re-Quest.
- [DB] Update crit of ach:Thirty Six and Two.
source:[Parent]=68043&page=1&sort[OrderIndex]=asc - Using otherwise hidden criteria to add nuance and automatic nesting to these faction achievements
- CHETT and SCRAP stuff
- 11.1.0 factions
- Added 2 missing timelines for new 11.1.0 achievements.
- Undermine adventurer and treasures
- 11.1.0 worldsoul stuff + some data fixes for current worldsoul achievements
- Undermine Safari
- Family battler of Undermine
- BFA updatez
- PTR: Profession recipes that exist for player
- Update Silithus (The Wound).lua
- Update 11 - The War Within.lua
Skinning King Splash - Update Sourceless.lua
Bad at saving things oops - Hallowfall: Consolidate quests related to Lost and Found achievement under a separate header
Closes #1883 - Searing Gorge updates
- PTR: more open world stuff and some delves
- Loch Modan: Cleaned up Mo'grosh Masher
- Burning Steppes updates
- [VSCode] Disable auto-diagnostics.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Battered Chest.
- Reparse retail for delve changes since we know what is staying and leaving based on PTR
- Loooooots of new delves stuff and also delves changes now we can see what is in season 2
- Fix some reported errors
- Fixed timeline for 11.1.0 achievement.
- Fixed wrong lockCriteria for Iron Mining Pick.
4.2.7 (2025-01-12)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [Misc.] Format code.
- [Misc.] Add annotation: clone.
- [Misc.] Format annotation: struct.
- DRIVE racing stuff
- Merge branch 'master' of
- 11.1.0 achievement sorting
- [Misc.] Fix annotation logic.
- [Misc.] Fix syntax warning.
- 11.1.0 HAT sorting
- Timelined new Mount Mods schematics.
- Moar updats.
- [Misc.] Fix syntax error.
- [Misc.] Add annotation: item.
- [Misc.] Add annotation: struct.
- If statements won't timeline stuff.
- Some Cata dungeon descriptions
- Revert "Removed invalid createID from the Illidari Council in BT."
- PTR: some addition
- [Misc.] Changed the writing to fix syntax error false positives.
The syntax checker cannot detect the if else statement for the parser, so it incorrectly determines that the statement here is illegal. - [VSCode] Add ignoreDir.
- Removed invalid createID from the Illidari Council in BT.
- Fix Siren Isle rare, add Plunderstorm vendor
- Fixed DK TWW Elite set.
Added lockCriteria to 3 broken Siren Isle treasures.
Fixed timeline of 11.1.0 HQT. - Added some sourceQuests to link together the Alara'shinu sequence
- Update Contributor.lua
- PTR: some bones
- Founds some boxes in Darkshore
Prepped Darkshore Warfront info for future revision/consolidation - GetPlayerPosition is now based on the RealMapID not whatever fake one might be made up for CurrentMapID
- Retail: Fixed a logic gap where Items with modID/bonusID were only showing Source Lines using the base ItemID
- PTR: Undermine - side quests, battle pets, vendor, wqs
- Revised organization of BFA - Arathi - Warfront: Stromgarde to remove confusing duplication and adjust Sources to be under their most-available/repeatable Source. Also revised and fixed all related symlinks
- Retail: Fixed an issue where symlinks which change modID of results would not properly be reflected in those results (due to other Item metadata affected by the modID change)
- Invasion Description update
- Adjust error message to be more helpful, and clone() to work for 'false' assignments
- Harvested many alternate sourceIDs for revision of Stromgarde Warfront listings
- Added a RefreshItemGroup function which should be used on Item data when it is fundamentally modified after already existing (i.e. when changed via symlink resolving)
- Arathi Highs and Lows!
Minor updates to Arathi Highlands (Classic). - PTR: Undermine - side quests that was on zone map
- This just in: Wetlands still wet!
Symlink some Wetlands vendors, reorder some items, move Dark Iron Treasures to the Treasures header - Update Contributor.lua
Harbringer questline -- Forgot to hit save again last night. - Fixed DH, Priest and Rogue TWW Elite sets.
- Little clean up to Warfronts due to some bad API data and overlapping in-game results (another revision soon, so much duplicated...)
- Fixed an Item recipe which doesn't exist in Battle for Mount Hyjal
- Harbringer questline fixes
- [Misc.] Add shortcut for KR realms.
- [Misc.] Use CN instead of china as the function prefix.
To be consistent with US/EU/TW. - Source many quest items out of Uncollectible, restore DF season hero achievements
- SW/Org: Cata raid tier vendors
- Classic: Removed temporary CreateItem workaround since Parser properly exports Recipes
- Classic: Tradeskill window now uses common SetThingCollected logic
- Classic: Fixed some old classes which don't use the base Class logic and were missing the 'CACHE' field
- Retail: Fixed Item Links potentially returning 'Unknown' when not yet populated
- Update 11 - The War Within.lua
For Darkal to look at sometime down the road. - reported errors
- Add new Twitch drop, NVIDIA LAN event still active
- Update Darkmoon profession quests, fix some reported errors
- Some missing Legion, WoD and BFA QIs
- Fixed few uncollectible flight paths.
- PTR: Undermine - wqs, main story quests, vendors, rares
- Retail: Now using 'OnSearchResultUpdate' event to handle module-based updates to Things instead of manually making function calls
- Retail: Added some logic to track upgrade sources so that upgraded items can immediately update their source groups to show they are no longer needed for upgrading
- Retail: This hqts is for granted weekly reward with veteran (s1) piece of gear from weekly cache
and adventurer in s2 - Retail: Siren Isle quest chain fixed back
- Sourcing the things
- Timeline out one more chain
- Tweak Thrayir sourcing and various descriptions, timeline out guest relations
- A Shrouded Journey Through Time
- Put some Empty Poison Vial in the Reinforced Junkbox post 5.0.4
- Hour of Twilight: Eclipse
- PTR: Undermine - rares, treasures, wqs, hqts, vendor stuff
- Timewalking: Some comment updates and a few other stuff
- Update Treasure Chests.lua
Updated coords - for Darkal //Braghe - A Shrouded Journey Through Time
- Mark some shop items as removed
- Mark Classic Sunny Tabard as removed
As you can no longer earn points for redemption - Added some Cartels of Undermine content
- Added new Mount Mods and attached some more quests
- Reparse ptr
- PTR: Undermine main story quests until it bugged
- more possible tw id's
- Some more detailed sorting
- Initial Sort of Unsorted.
- [Misc.] Add description of UiMapID.
- Added Operation: Floodgate
- Added Liberation of Undermine Raid
- PTR: little bit commit for unsorted stuff mostly
- Fixed an issue where Unique mode would fail to report some learned/unlearned appearances which did actually grant new appearances for the Account
- Parser: Now tracks 'incorporated' data and outputs /Debugging/IncorporationRefs for reference
- final changes for siren island invasions?
- More BFA updates
- daily function
- [TOC] Update version for PTR.
- AccountWide quests and Silken Court HQT
- Add 11.1.0 faction constants
- Update ToyDB
- Crafted Items/WotLK: Rituals of the New Moon
- More 11.1.0 PetDB updates
- Reviewed and fixed various repeatable quests
Siren's Isles Rares fixed up - Added a placeholder value for UNDERMINE (someone fix the real value pls)
- Update 11.1.0 PetDB and minor tweaks
- PTR: this is gonna be fun
- Awakened Caches are weekly
SImplified Molten Core common boss drops since they're all identical creatures and bloating tooltips - Merge branch 'master' of
- Initial Sorting of Mounts
Added New Mythic+ Season
Added Some Intial PvP Season stuff - Fate of the Kirin Tor quest chain, one more "Stay awhile" event and an update to an existing one
- Ringing Deeps consoles cannot be touched by any character once the achievement is completed
- Coord updates etc
- Added supported lockCriteria using 'renownID' (identical to 'factionID' but with support for 0-99 standing levels, whereas factionID only supports 0-9)
- Quest: Renown of Khaz Algar (84446) can't be completed past renown 4.
Also, move the quest out of TWW header because it is not required for the achievement. - Generate Missing Files
- Quest Name Harvest
- Some iensemble conversions based on Parser notifications
- Updated PTR Wago files + PTR parse (PTR hype is go)
- Fixed up some various quest-related issues
- Sort Recipes
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- Harvest:
- PTR: parser config update (also tab instead of spaces)
- Update Quests.lua
Finished the questline.. - Parser: Adjusted some logic for how ItemEffects are incorporated into Items (e.g. fixes some Items not having their triggered QuestID linked)
- Update Quests.lua
small fixes - Some more file prep
- 11.1.0 Undermine Prep
- Crafted Items/TBC: Alchemy trinkets, Cobra Scales and CIL
- Added Stay awhile and listen: Archamge Aethas Sunreaver.
- I was Loch Modan Monster!
(Loch Modan updates and a couple of updates to my old updates) - Update MoP Timewalking
- finished adjusting siren island for naga/vry/pirates
- SL/Legendaries: Memory of the Morning's Tear drops again
Closes #1880 - thunderous fragment update
- vrykul pirates mixup
- forgot to delete 1 rare
- Mark Nvidia promo as ended
- created invasion types for siren island. this allows users to see quickly if something is up or not (might could change header to the respective weekly quest?
added some .ogg files as an idea for a future event - some TWW pet battle coords & desc
- Cataclysm: Added new spellIDs for Bloodthirsty Inscription recipes.
- Updated spellID bounds for all configs.
- Cataclysm: Added Bloodthirsty Embersilk Cape's new spellID.
- Cataclysm: Added the new spellIDs for Bloodthirsty ring/necklace recipes.
- Fixed a bug in parser where off-hand classified weapon types were incorrectly being assigned the Held in Off-Hand filter.
- Fixed a typo.
- More objects
- Update Elwynn Forest.lua
Discord Report - Godric Rothgar and Dermot Johns items are swapped around - Update Plunderstore
- Fixed a typo that was causing Quest completion to trigger a fanfare despite learning nothing.
- Fixed new glyphs first crafts.
- [Misc.] Add description of InstanceDB.
- Update Contributor.lua
- Update Achievements.lua ...
4.2.6 (2025-01-06)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- darkal didnt do release sad
- Update World Quests.lua
- Added second quest for dwarfs only.
- Fixed new inscription recipes - increased spellID in parser config for recipes, since Blizzard likes big numbers now.
- [Misc.] Fix typo.
- [Misc.] Add description of UiMapID.
- [Localization] Use globalstring.
- NYI quest from Zaralek?
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Guest Relations.
- Zaralek Cavern updates
- Retail: Added a fallback workaround collection check for those who are having an issue where ATT fails to register all collected Battle Pets during refreshes
- [DB] Replace customized header by zone-text-areaID.
- [DB] Fix races.
source: - Clicking the world map button's mini list button now forces the mini list to show itself if it is hidden.
- [DB] Fix error.
- Retail: Glittering Gemdust exist but locked behind JC profession skill tree
- [DB] Update link: Grimoire of Doom.
- [DB] Update timeline: Azgaloth.
- [DB] Update SoD instance boss: Demon Fall Canyon.
- Shadowlands
- Mount Hyjal: Typo.
- Fix Cutlass id
- "Wrong Knick"
Coords and race requirement - Armored Vaultbot
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Storm Cliffs.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: The Tainted Scar.
- scrub NYI
- missing SL QI fix (hi darkal)
- Fixed Hunter and Evoker TWW Season 1 elite gear.
- Fixed Vanguard Reprieve in doti.
- Blackhand's Command wasn't removed until 6.0.3.
- Fix some reported errors
- Loch Modan updates. Mostly coordinate finetuning, a couple of symlinks
- Achievements!
- Another fix for Dire Maul/Strat timewalking
- Gobblin' with Glublurp achievement details
- Some fixes to siren isle
- Sorted some unsorted 11.0.7
- Sorted 10.2.7-11.0.2 Rest is up for Darkal and Myrhial
- Added all future Trading Post quests for Dornogal.
- Update WoW Anniversary.lua
Wowhead said only gold but I got a augment rune.. - Satchel of Exotic Mysteries
- Update Professions.lua
Valdrakken DOES NOT EQUAL Oribos :P
4.2.5 (2025-01-02)
Full Changelog Previous Releases
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Waylaid Supplies.
- [Localization] Update zhCN: Soul Brokers.
- Update Trading Post.lua
Added Toy which becomes available if you purchase the mount - [Localization] Update zhTW/zhCN: General: Faction.
- Removed 'sym' from persisting in visual header clones
- [Localization] Update zhCN/zhTW: Waylaid Supplies.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: SoD: Monster Hunting & Soul Brokers.
- Dun Morogh: The Public Servant status comment
- Molten Front: Ready for Raiding ll tip
- Mount Hyjal: Battle Pet coords
- Flip preprocessor so it isn't wrapping the entire file
- Timewalking Headers for split-instance Classic Dungeons (Strat/Dire Maul) should now be placed under their proper sub-map portion of the respective instances
- Dagg!
Has working source quests now - [Localization] Update zhTW: Category: Weapons.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Pet Battle Dungeons.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: The Iron Invasion.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Garrison Buildings.
- Update January Trading Post, add Siren Isle parrot
- Fixed another Runaway train for Transmog class changes.
- Classic reparse. (its been a while)
- #1875 Fixed errro caused by Runaway regarding the Species class. lol
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Arena Treasure Chest.
- Mostly Spreading the Light updates
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Elixir of Shadow Sight.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Garrison Campaign.
- [Localization] Resort zhCN: Garrison Campaign.
- Iron Horde Chest - Blackrock Foundry
- object coords
- Turkey Soul quest is Pilgrim only.
- [Exploration] Add warning about the exploration option.
- Update Rares.lua
- Update Contributor.lua
- Dragonhunter Gorund added back in 11.0.7.
- [Localization] Update itIT: Riding Trainer.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: some books.
- [Localization] Update zhCN: The War of the Ancients.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Title.
- [Localization] Update zhTW: Drakewatcher Manuscripts.
- Trying to fix an issue with Classic collection event... someone tell me if Transmog collects properly now
- Mount Hyjal: Battle Pets, achievements and breadcrumbs
- Fixed Tricky Treat absorbing bubbleDown 'races'
- Retail: Consolidate some StoreWindowPosition logic
- Fixed wrongly tagged Guest Relations quest from in-game API.
- Retail: Fixed a lua error when a window attempts to store its position into the current Profile, but somehow the Profile doesn't exist (fixes #1871)
- -- Collection Revision --
- Standardized the mechanism by which Things are collected/uncollected in ATT via a real-time Event or manual call [Note: I've tested this using Flight Paths in Classic Cata, but have not extensively tested collecting other Things]
- Classes can define a unique AddCollectionTypeHandler or AddRemovalTypeHandler to change the standard logic for processing when a Thing of that Class is added/removed via in-game Event
- Migrated most Classes to utilize the new standard collection logic
Retail: Refactored how Battle Pets are scanned initially to attempt to alleviate a weird issue where the game reports no pets actually exist
FlightPath scanning logic cleaned up due to standardized collection
Transmog Class overhauled to support proper standardized collection. We no longer store 'unique' learned Appearances as being collected, but rather support those as a separate cache during a session
Transmog now defines custom Add/Remove handlers for collection to support the customized messages based on tracking mode (Completionist/Unique)
Transmog Class now uses SimpleCollectibleSwap
- Flew around Revendreth and found a ring
- Retail: Show 'Unlearnable' unobtainable filter so that anyone who has it stuck enabled can properly unflag it via Settings
Retail: Unobtainables don't need a metatable for filtering since they're never enabled by default
Retail: Unobtainables are now explicitly set totrue
to save a few lines per ATT Profile in Saved Vars
Retail: Removed unused 'Seasonal' filters section from a Profile when it is Applied - Classes which support collection by Event-driven logic now throw an error on loading if they fail to define the CACHE field (currently all are defined for Classic/Retail)
- Scholomance timewalking now properly added to the Classic listing of the Dungeon (fixes #1667)
- Retail: Fixed Classic Timewalking content not being displayed in timewalking dungeon minilists
- Setup Jan2025 Trading Post
- Un'goro Crater: Ash Lizard coords
- Retail: Removed some unused minilist mapping logic
- Necrolord covenant required for Small Posable Skeleton
- Adjusted Nested Quest chain Sorting to be more reliable by using SortType instead of an arbitrary callback
- Now only allowing 'Zone' and smaller type Maps to act as headers within minilists (e.g. Continent-level Maps no longer nesting again in minilist when content is Sourced at that scope)
- Moved Contrib check for missing exploration area check (e.g. exploration areas can once again be force-collected by refreshing while in the right minimap location)
- Molten Front: SourceQuests to Ready for Raiding II
- Added extra quest giver for Not Ready on Set quest
- Criteria fix for Ritualist Who?
- [Localization] Update koKR:BlizzCon.
- Added extra quest giver for A Bird's Tale quest
- Update Fyrakk Assaults.lua
- Fix some reported errors