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Quick Start Guide

 -This ROS driver only supports firmware version 2.0 or 2.0+. 
 -You can check your firmware version from Roborun+ console tab by querying - "?fid". 
 -If firmware is not the latest one then please update it with the latest one available on Roboteq website 
  or contact "".

This file outlines the instructions for running the current development of the mobile robot platform. This repository contains the ROS driver for Roboteq controllers and Robot controller. The package requires ROS Melodic to be installed properly to your system and proper serial connection of Roboteq controller.

First, clone this repository and the serial repository to catkin_ws/src:

git clone
git clone 

To unlock USB terminal connected to the motor driver, run command:

sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyACM0

Program currently allows user to enter speed duty cycle commands into the terminal in the form 'rpm%_Motor1 rpm%_Motor2' Example for 50% of max rpm input for both wheels: '500 500' Max rpm of this robot is 74rpm

The Roboteq motor controller driver is the package for the Roboteq ROS-driver. Make sure not to change package name as it will change the definition in the Cmake and Package files. Open new terminal and copy these steps -

cd catkin_ws/
source devel/setup.bash

Within terminal 1:

roslaunch roboteq_motor_controller_driver driver.launch

Within terminal 2:

rosrun roboteq_motor_controller_driver controller_node

(Optional) Currently odometry is not integrated with the main program. To view program performance, run the following in terminal 3:

roslaunch roboteq_motor_controller_driver diff_odom.launch

The roboteq driver is designed to be dynamic and users can publish the controller queries as per their requirements. The publishing queries is not limited to any value. By default total 9 queries are published by launching this driver. Users can change or add queries in configuration file. For that go to config/query.yaml

frequencyH : 50   #higher frequency (value is in ms)
frequencyL : 100  #lower frequency
frequencyG : 100  #frequency for general queries

 motor_amps : ?A 
 motor_command : ?M
 encoder_count : ?C
 encoder_speed : ?S  #these queries will publish with higher frequency and users can add other queries below encoder_speed.

 error : ?E 
 feedback : ?F 
 battery_amps : ?BA
 power : ?P          #these queries will publish with lower frequency and users can add other queries below power.

 fault_flag : ?FF  
# status_flag : ?FS
# firmware_id : ?FID  Users can add queries which do not require channel number under queryG tab. 


ROS Driver package for the Resilient Teaming Project








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