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Releases: Aether-Guild/Dragons-Descent

Version 5.0 for rw 1.5+

17 May 10:38
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1.5 Rimworld Workshop build

Version More fire more dire (Version 4)

26 May 05:18
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We have ported most of our custom framework to the Vanilla Expanded Framework. This has many benefits and some downsides. We are now able to use a much larger database of code which will allow for interesting interactions between pawn and dragon. This also allows for the mod to adapt easier to major changes by the archotech god tynan.

The downside is that the cooldown for range attacks isn't yet possible with the new framework. This means that dragons will spam ranged breath abilities and won't use melee till commanded to or next to them. The entire mod had to be reorganized and rebalanced and its all made possible by our amazing community. Without the help of testing and fixing bugs, it would have been very difficult if not impossible to get the mod working again. May the archotech gods minions forever stay defeated.

New breath abilities for dragons. (Currently, only fire but many types are in the works.)
FLYING DRAGONS!.(Each dragon over 35 years old will have the ability to fly long distances.)

Rebalanced Dragon Altar abilities .(Theres even options to calm dragons that are angry at you.)
From armor and attack values, no item, dragon, or rock has been left unchanged!
Dragons have even more custom draconic names
Dragons will dig up jeweled rhizome tubers when hungry.

There's a lot more to discover and I don't want to give it all away. We also have many more additions in store.


There seems to currently be an error that occurs when dragons attack to often. ( Started 10 jobs in 10 ticks). This normally clears itself up once the dragon is able to do anything for a few seconds. We are working on it.
MOD CONFLICT: Any mod that adds Drafting to animals is creating errors on the dragons.

Harmony is required
Giddy Up! Core is highly suggested
Load Order, put at the bottom of the list.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped us. This is 100% a community project brought together by hundreds of amazing people.

Original Modders

Broken Valkyrie Maintained the mod
Wagwansugar Made the original mod

Thanks and credit to my wizard friend Shearion, he has been an integral part in this whole thing, he has been writing our custom C# code! He has done a lot of hard work for us and I really appretiate it. Thank you.

Thanks and credit to the wonderful Berry as well for helping me with some textures! She is also a part of our team! Check her out! @Blackberrytea2 on Instagram and Twitter

Special credits and thanks: Cody,Big_Bad_E,Sarg Bjornson,Hervis Jasper,TedDraws [KOR]Bichang,Ogliss, Zentimental, Stormtail, Elude, Zer0 coldsoul pb3n Caaz RED ZER0 Ziehn Lily Sulhythal captinjoehenry SaGaRa Kimberly OutOfNick Fenr linorre#sugarsue troopersmith1 Deus TobbssMarble DracoCodyRune King ThorLitestop Dinosnore Beefsquatch Jackie Colbiey shoob Tesla DominicMappy Docwhovian117 DeltaComTheDasenQueen chansamaDG cybeii DJ_indominusStratos Okeyden Zharevion Thundercrunch Jezithyr

Black Death Meta Flamepelt Wardley KL 🐲CorinthianFolds🐲 Kazak Nighthawk Stormer Zalera Drft Treazul Roflmahwafflz WillDigForFood Big_Bad_E PieOfConquer SpiffyRoss annabell lee Katt Huginn Laharaichu Amelia Prith Kyriedark Selena (She/Her) Jenambus Ursus the Grim Aweguy KadrinLef Gamingwizard Starkingson Bruhraptor Nesi Corasos Talmoon Suspicious Sandwich Yolnahkriin TheSchutz Sheyki Kenken Captain Piker Ziren I Marcus Zer0 Requiem

Albion Fivealive Нискаро Ульта Oak partyexpert Pongosiant atomicAxolotl clarkz Gamerdachs Khorne 🌽 (bibby) PetLoverSpy duo Magical Liopleurodon Roshag Venezia jsom Eryn Danane r Xenos Koentjaaah Holgast Winnetuu Surein Buns Buns Cat Sandermatt Fiur / Niko DKP Elbery Hávi necrobook Tyler, Mysticfenrir (Welsh)Josh❂ Brightsky (True) Top Tier MaleWife Totally clueless Tak Cris Duraj Zar Shef Morgan Spartan B

Workshop ART made by:

[Release] Mind update Bugfixes

13 Nov 17:05
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  • Reduced number of eggs laid by a dragon from 2 to 1.


  • Moved Textures/UI folder to Textures/UserInterface due to insane case sensitivity.
  • Added the files from 1.2-final to be loaded in RW version 1.1. The new framework requires RW 1.2 at least.


This means that if the mod is loaded in version 1.1, it will remain on the old framework, and will not receive any further updates. Currently, there are no plans to backport new features to the older version.

[Release] Mind update

12 Nov 04:53
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  • Added name generators for dragons.
  • Added a variety of textures per dragon.
  • (Possibly) fixed dragons not lying down for medical procedures.


  • Removed the old range framework.
  • Replaced old dragon breath with an ability-based (Dragon Breath) gained at age 35+
  • Added an additional dragon ability (Dragon Spit) gained at age 200+
  • If a dragon becomes old enough to gain an ability, it will usually gain a Hediff called (Growing Pains) for a day before the ability is gained.
  • Both abilities can now be enabled/disabled, and can be ordered to target something which shoots one volley of the ability.


  • Added a toggleable AI which responds to hostile intent, it has multiple modes:
    • Aggressive: Actively seeks out enemies.
    • Defensive: Targets enemies that are in sight and are aiming at the dragon.
    • Passive: Ignores/flees when damaged.
  • Changed OrganicAgeless to OrganicDragon to avoid conflicts.


  • Adjusted DD Research Project numbers a bit.
  • Changed the designation and settings of the dragon beds+incubators.
  • (Possibly) fixed some bugs with generating some maps and rituals.


  • Added RecordDefs for tracking damage to/from pawns.

[Release Candidate #1] Mind, X, and X update

04 Nov 15:37
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  • Dragon Nest:
    • Increased base growth rate to 10%
  • Dragon Pillow:
    • Increased base growth rate to 13%
  • Basic Incubator:
    • Increased base growth rate to 30%
    • Changed building category to Misc
  • Advanced Incubator:
    • Increased base growth rate to 50%
    • Changed building catgory to Misc
  • Dragon Horn:
    • Nerfed


  • Renamed OrganicAgeless to OrganicDragon
  • Added alternate textures for dragons and adjusted sizes
  • Common Dragons now give Hard Scales
  • Rare Dragons still give Chemfuel
  • Dragon abilities can now be disabled or be ordered to cast on specific targets
  • Dragons now have 2 abilities
    • Dragon Breath:
      • Long range fire breath attack
      • Gained at age 35+ after surviving a Hediff (Growing Pains)
    • Dragon Spit:
      • Short range quick attack
      • Gained at age 200+ after surviving a Hediff (Growing Pains)
  • Dragons have toggleable modes for its AI
    1. Aggressive
    • Will actively seek out any hostiles. (Higher probability of finishing off targets)
    1. Defensive
    • Will attack enemies that are targeting/aiming at it.
    1. Passive
    • Ignores enemies and flees when damaged.
  • Dragons now go Manhunter when intentionally damaged by a pawn from the same faction

[Release] Worship update [Final]

13 Nov 16:51
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Final version with the old animal range framework.
All versions above this will be using another framework based on abilities.

[Release] Worship update

10 Aug 17:47
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New features:

Mod Settings: For the ability to configure various things in the mod. (From outright disabling some spawns or incidents, to disabling some of the compatibility patches in use.
Dragon Nests/Beds: Buildings that can both house eggs and act as an animal bed for dragons (You can even assign a dragon one of these beds!)
Dragon Incubators: Buildings that house and speed up the hatching of a dragon egg.
Dragon Altars: Buildings that you can generate favor at and use that favor to cause various effects on your map/pawns.
Incident Watcher: A background watcher which makes sure Dragon's Descent incidents -will- trigger within the set timeframe.



Set the Dragon Egg to auto-tame on hatch.
Added a Dragon Nest to help speed up the hatching process.
Removed Club from the default item list that you start with in the scenario.
Removed Pila from the default item list that you start with in the scenario.


Draconic Ambrosia is now craftable from the Drug Lab.
Dragon Blood Potion now takes longer to craft, but has a higher market value and gives more potions per craft.


Added Research nodes for basic dragon egg incubation, and advanced dragon egg incubation.
Added a Research node for dragon altars.


Dragon Passes incident now has a higher chance of triggering, and will start after 40 days, refiring every 40 to 65 days.
Added a new incident Dragon Hunting incident which spawns a herd of animals and a couple of dragons which will leave the map after a couple of days. Incident will refire every 60 to 100 days.


Reduced the dragon eggs stack limit to 1. (Existing item stacks will NOT be deleted, your pawns will just pick up from the stack and move them out one by one.)


Dragons will now more strictly OBEY their exit timers.
A message will display when a dragon lays an egg. (Top left, text only message)
Dragons will try to go to their assigned nest/bed or a nearby animal bed before laying its eggs.
A message will display when a dragon mate is summoned with the dragon horn. (Top left, text only message)
Dragon mate will spawn off-map and 'walk in' to the map, then hang out near where the horn was used.
Changed the KFM/HFM compatibility patch to add all ThingDefs that have the verb 'DD.Verb_Shoot_Cooldown' to the mods' ignore lists.


Added an sample file containing XML patches which can be used to add effects to ambrosia.
Changed the XML structures so that it becomes possible to add effects to ambrosia.

Centralized a bunch of features onto the dragon's ThingDefs and PawnKindDefs:
  • Draconic Ambrosia now applies the dragon effect when it is applied to a pawn with a ThingDef containing DD.AmbrosiaTargetExtension in its modExtensions.
  • Mating Horn is now usable on pawns with a ThingDef containing DD.MatingTargetExtension in its modExtensions.
  • Draconic Rituals now affect pawns with a ThingDef containing DD.RitualTargetExtension in its modExtensions.
  • Pawns with DD.BreedingPoolExtension defined in its ThingDef's modExtensions and DD.JobGiver_MateCrossbreed in its ThinkTree will now be able to breed with other pawns which have the same 'pool' text value.
  • The incidents: DragonPasses and DragonHunting will pick a predator to spawn from all available pawns with DD.IncidentSpawnConditionExtension in their PawnKindDef. (temperature condition still applies)

[Release Candidate #2] Worship update

10 Aug 04:47
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Added an sample file containing XML patches which can be used to add effects to ambrosia.
Changed the XML structures so that it becomes possible to add effects to ambrosia.

Centralized a bunch of features onto the dragon's ThingDefs and PawnKindDefs:
  • Draconic Ambrosia now applies the dragon effect when it is applied to a pawn with a ThingDef containing DD.AmbrosiaTargetExtension in its modExtensions.
  • Mating Horn is now usable on pawns with a ThingDef containing DD.MatingTargetExtension in its modExtensions.
  • Draconic Rituals now affect pawns with a ThingDef containing DD.RitualTargetExtension in its modExtensions.
  • Pawns with DD.BreedingPoolExtension defined in its ThingDef's modExtensions and DD.JobGiver_MateCrossbreed in its ThinkTree will now be able to breed with other pawns which have the same 'pool' text value.
  • The incidents: DragonPasses and DragonHunting will pick a predator to spawn from all available pawns with DD.IncidentSpawnConditionExtension in their PawnKindDef. (temperature condition still applies)

[Release Candidate #1] Worship update

08 Aug 06:50
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Tweaked refire period and exit period for dragon passes and dragon hunt.
Some slight fixes/workarounds for special maps.
Fixed bug with 'Retrieve Egg' gizmo. (Stormtail)


Added short initial cooldown.
Reduced cooldowns for all ritual effects.
Adjusted warding ritual effect cost scaling.
Added special handling for special maps that don't instantiate our MapComponent. (Can this happen?)


Adding additional hooks to allow for easier addon modding.

[Test Candidate #2] Worship Update

27 Jul 03:04
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Added failsafe for special maps.
Added initial cooldown (shorter than normal)
Adjusted all cooldowns to be shorter.


Fixed incubator retrieve egg bug.


IncidentWatcher fix for some special cases.
Tweaking values for min/ max refire and exit


Added export ignores for license and readme.