Added name generators for dragons.
Added a variety of textures per dragon.
(Possibly) fixed dragons not lying down for medical procedures.
Removed the old range framework.
Replaced old dragon breath with an ability-based (Dragon Breath) gained at age 35+
Added an additional dragon ability (Dragon Spit) gained at age 200+
If a dragon becomes old enough to gain an ability, it will usually gain a Hediff called (Growing Pains) for a day before the ability is gained.
Both abilities can now be enabled/disabled, and can be ordered to target something which shoots one volley of the ability.
Added a toggleable AI which responds to hostile intent, it has multiple modes:
Aggressive: Actively seeks out enemies.
Defensive: Targets enemies that are in sight and are aiming at the dragon.
Passive: Ignores/flees when damaged.
Changed OrganicAgeless to OrganicDragon to avoid conflicts.
Adjusted DD Research Project numbers a bit.
Changed the designation and settings of the dragon beds+incubators.
(Possibly) fixed some bugs with generating some maps and rituals.
Added RecordDefs for tracking damage to/from pawns.
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