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Abhinaya Aryal edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 100 revisions

Post your example configurations!

Screenshots on wayland can be taken with grim in combination with slurp to select a screen area.

frankydoll's win10-like configuration:

Config, Style and some tips

kamlendras's configuration:

Config and Style

sephid86's configuration:

Config and Style

cjbassi's configuration:

Config and Style

Robinhuett's configuration:

Config, Style and Modules

genofire's configuration:


Config, Style and Modules

Toger's configuration:


Config, Style and Modules

Egosummiki's configuration:


Config, Style and Modules

Mohammad's old and new configuration:

The new one:

Config and style, as well as custom weather, Persian Khayyami calendar date and Keyboard layout modules

robertjk's configuration


Clean looking bar with colors matching the default Sway colors.

Fonts required

Configuration uses Cantarell font, or Noto Sans as a second alternative. Then Font Awesome is used for the icons to be displayed. You should have those installed for the default styles to work properly.

Sway configuration

To match the font of the bar add font pango:Cantarell 14px to sway/config file.

mxkrsv's configuration

screenshot Initially based on robertjk's configuration. The icons are from Awesome 5, the font is JetBrains Mono. Changing colorscheme is trivial thankfully to @define-color.


abdus' configuration:

(Config and Styles). Required fonts are IBM Plex Mono and FontAwesome 5.

oscarcp's configuration:

Configuration and style

Joe's configuration:

Config and Style

Waybar Covid19 Status Indicator Module

qoheniac's configuration

Configuration and style

dpgraham4401's configuration

Simple blue Config and Styling with swaynag power button

pipshag's configuration


Based on Nord colors, trying to achieve a simple interface with easy access. Includes script to show current CPU governor as an icon and another to monitor GPU and display GPU information.

Kittes (vertical) image

kitties, rotated image for better fit

tim3dman's waybar

waybar config, style.css and color.css

chaibronz' waybar config

dwm style bar w/ sway colors
config and style

DN-debug's waybar config

used in Peux OS Sway:




used in Peux OS Wayfire:


used in Peux OS River:

config and style

theCode-Breaker's configuration

Config and Style

lgaboury's configuration


Install script and configuration

archttila's configuration:


Config and Styles. Required fonts are JetBrains Mono

bwc9876's configuration:

Top Bar Top Bar

Bottom Bar Bottom Bar

Waybar Folder


Top bar

The icon theme used for the taskbar is Candy Icons. Requires a nerd font to render all the icons. Also requires KDE Connect for the custom-kdeconnect module.

mechakotik's configuration

Top bar

Uses Breeze Dark colors. The font is Mononoki Nerd Font.

Config and Style

waybar-minimal config

A minimal kickstart configration for waybar. waybarBaronly waybar-minimal

OriginCode's configuration

With Gruvbox Dark color palette.


Config and Style

goecho's configuration

A sleek, modern Waybar configuration for Fedora, focusing on simplicity and essential information display.


Config and Style

vertical bar

Preview Description
Vert Bar fineman's config Minimalistic, vertical bar with gruvbox-material color palette. Link to my dots

niksingh710's vertical bar at Right Side with tooltips

Bar Bar
Update Tool Tip
Pasted image (3) image image
Checkout the config at: gdots

Anik's super waybar

image image dots:

Abhinaya's Configuration

Config and Style

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