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Kenny Phelps-McKeown edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 2 revisions

The jack module displays the current state of the JACK server. Supports both JACK2 and PipeWire implementations of the JACK API.

NOTE: PipeWire users are advised to upgrade to v0.3.57 at minimum; earlier versions without this bugfix cause the Waybar client to hang indefinitely if the server shuts down while the Waybar module is running.


Addressed by jack

option typeof default description
format string {load}% The format, how information should be displayed. This format is used when other formats aren't specified.
format-connected string This format is used when the module is connected to the JACK server.
format-disconnected string This format is used when the module is not connected to the JACK server.
format-xrun string This format is used for one polling interval, when the JACK server reports an xrun.
realtime bool true Option to drop real-time privileges for the JACK client opened by Waybar.
tooltip bool true Option to disable tooltip on hover.
tooltip-format string {bufsize}/{samplerate} {latency}ms The format of information displayed in the tooltip.
interval integer 1 The interval in which the information gets polled.
rotate integer Positive value to rotate the text label.
max-length integer The maximum length in character the module should display.
min-length integer The minimum length in characters the module should take up.
align float The alignment of the text, where 0 is left-aligned and 1 is right-aligned. If the module is rotated, it will follow the flow of the text.
on-click string Command to execute when clicked on the module.
on-click-middle string Command to execute when middle-clicked on the module using mousewheel.
on-click-right string Command to execute when you right clicked on the module.
on-update string Command to execute when the module is updated.

Format replacements:

string replacement
{load} The current CPU load estimated by JACK.
{bufsize} The size of the JACK buffer.
{samplerate} The samplerate at which the JACK server is running.
{latency} The duration, in ms, of the current buffer size.
{xruns} The number of xruns reported by the JACK server since starting Waybar.


"jack": {
    "format": "DSP {}%",
    "format-xrun": "{xruns} xruns",
    "format-disconnected": "DSP off",
    "realtime": true


  • #jack
  • #jack.connected
  • #jack.disconnected
  • #jack.xrun
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