What's Changed
Forms editor 🛠
- fix: remove forceshow in summary2 - not supported in app by @lassopicasso in #14606
- feat: StudioCodeListEditor - display Numberfield or Checkbox based on value type by @ErlingHauan in #14398
- fix: summary2 - displayType selector in override by @lassopicasso in #14575
- fix: summary2 - reset override config when user reselects component by @lassopicasso in #14619
- feat: remove subform feature flag by @lassopicasso in #14637
- feat: Remove feature flag for summary2 by @mlqn in #14628
- feat: remove summary from componentlist and rename summary2 by @lassopicasso in #14557
- fix: make empty StudioDecimalField return null by @ErlingHauan in #14552
- fix: Strange behavior in Subform when multiple data model bindings point to the same field by @mlqn in #14598
- feat: 14164 implement the legg til ny component for the last four standard choices by @JamalAlabdullah in #14392
- feat(summary2): add new props to overrides by @Jondyr in #14644
- refactor(summary2): move displayType default to shared default logic by @Jondyr in #14654
Text editor 💬
- chore: update applicationmetadata on undeploy by @mirkoSekulic in #14627
Other Changes
- chore(deps): update eclipse-temurin docker tag to v21.0.6_7-jre-alpine by @renovate in #14607
- fix: updated text by @JamalAlabdullah in #14634
- refactor: trigger identity by @mirkoSekulic in #14639
- fix: support jobs with old args by @mirkoSekulic in #14641
- chore: make all jobs params mandatory by @mirkoSekulic in #14642
- feat: enabled undeploy for users by removing feature flag by @framitdavid in #14640
- fix: make key icon horizontal and remove unwanted colons in process page by @ErlingHauan in #14638
- fix: limit data model fetching to models folder by @ErlingHauan in #14625
- feat: added news about un-deploy by @framitdavid in #14663
Full Changelog: v2025.5...v2025.6