UAE4All is a "Lite" Amiga Emulator. It is based on E-UAE core and it can utilize FAME for Motorola 68000 microprocessor emulation. It emulates Commodore Amiga 500 hardware with 1 MB Chip RAM, OCS and up to 4 floppy drive, utilizes Cyclone emulator of Motorola 68000 microprocessor for ARM hardware. It emulates most Commodore Amiga 500 hardware.
Revamped version of UAE4ALL for MiyooCFW, supported devices: Bittboy, PocketGo, Powkiddy V90 / Q90 / Q20 etc. This build is based of a port to GCW0 made by zear & Nebuleon (with smurline and goldmojo changes for other platforms).
Stock emulator for 1.3.3 MiyooCFW was based (possibly) of upstream by zear ( Initial (stock) port made by @jamesofarrell, compiled with FAME core (no src available).
This revision replaces FAME m68k emulation library with UAE core. Major advantages would be wider game compatibility, however some games may produce fps drawback due to UAE being less optimized.
UAE4ALL rev. 1.2
- added extra "2MB RAM" option in menu (increased memory to enable extra features in particural games)
- added virtual buttons mapping to L2/R2 and L3/R3 (more keyboard bindings at your will)
- enabled Music in menu (via SDL_mixer, probably no in-game performance impact)
UAE4ALL rev. 1.1a
- added small LOG warning about missing
file when not provided in/mnt/.uae4all
UAE4ALL rev. 1.1
- the "Status bar" option is now visible in main menu and uae4all.cfg file (
) - added hotkeys to increase/decrease "Throttle" (SELECT+X/Y)
UAE4ALL rev. 1.0
- load DF0 as first arg. parameter (you can load ROM file directly from your console's frontend)
- show/hide status bar option (editable through *.cfg or in emu's GUI)
- disabled splash screen by default (faster init load- show/hide status bar option (editable through *.cfg or in emu's GUI)
- disabled splash screen by default (faster init load speed)
- semi-darkmode for all notifications due to above commit (unintentional, but I like it!)
- fixed A/B button mapping for V90/Q90 while in menu screen (to be cohesive with gmenu2x/SM).
- frame throttling fine tuning now works on "auto" frameskip mode
- lib7z savestate compression method (will not work with jamesofarrell's stock version)
- compatibility increase (revert from FAME m68k library to UAE core, may introduce slight performance drawback) speed)
- Set up your environment with current MiyooCFW toolchain (preferably in Debian 9 distro)
- Copy this repo & compile
- binary:
git clone
cd uae4all
make clean
make -j$(nproc)
- OR distribution IPK package:
make -j$(nproc) gm2xpkg-ipk
for native unix build
All builds (from release section) have Profile-Guided Optimization applied, which gives approx 5-10% performance boost.
- set
in Makefile - compile
- run the emulator for a few minutes on your device
- dump the *.gcda files dropped in
and copy them back into your/src
folder in a repo - set
- compile & enjoy optimized build!
While gathering profiling data on target platform, use the app how normally you would and look for parts that might introduce perf. challenge. Possibly try to run emulator in one take and exit normally through GUI's menu to correctly collect information.
There are some drawbacks when FAME is not used:
- Zool II - less optimized
- Jim Power in Mutant Planet - less optimized
- Xenon 2: Megablast - crashes after sprite collision with bomb
Below titles will play better on UAE core comparable to FAME:
- Superfrog - no video jittery on "auto" frameskip
- Alien Breed - no video jittery on "auto" frameskip
- James Pond - boot ups and doesn't crash (CR PDX by TIC)
- The Great Giana Sisters - boot ups and doesn't crash
- Nicky II - boot ups and doesn't crash
- The Addams Family Mansion Mayhem - no sprite freezes during gameplay
- Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight - passes loading screen when disk B is being read on DF1 drive
UAE4ALL emulation related issues:
- James Pond - player's sprite can pass through walls
- Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight - will play only with first (DF0) and second (DF1) disk mounted simultaneously
Q) What's the difference between stock UAE4ALL (from 1.3.3 MiyooCFW)?
A: This revision is more compatible and have additional user-friendly features described in changelog. The previous src was also unavailable, so this port is a chance for other people to work of it and modify this emulator to their needs.
Q) How to set it up in console?
A: Place binary file in /mnt/emus/uae4all/ and make new link to it if you don't have one already. You will also need to have there /data folder with necessary assets.
Q) Does this emu need any BIOS file?
A: Yes, the emulator will recognize it by placing kick.rom (rename your kickstarter BIOS to match) in /mnt/.uae4all/ location