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AppCraft-LLC edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 1 revision

Each event has the following structure:

     * { type: eventTypes.birth,  // Type of an event. The following types of events are possible:
     *                            // eventTypes = { wound: 0, murder: 1, death: 2, upgrade: 3, birth: 4, spell: 5 }
     *   payload: [ creature ]    // An array with 1 or 2 creature objects.
     *                            // If contains 2 creatures, the 1st one is the object and the 2nd one is the subject.
     *                            // Payload of [murder] event contains 2 creatures: 
     *                            // the 1st creature is the victim and the 2nd creature is the attacker.
     *                            // Payload of [death, upgrade, birth, spell] events contains 1 creature object.
     *                            // Payload of [wound] may contain or may not contain the attacker.
     * };

For example wound event can be:

   type: events.wound,
   payload: [ obj1, obj2 ]

Where obj1 is the creature who was hurted and obj2 is the creature who hurted obj1 creature. Payload of other events contains only 1 entity, the creature who upgraded, died or was born.

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