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AppCraft-LLC edited this page Feb 8, 2018 · 1 revision

IQ calculation algorithm changed with the following rules (vIQ is the victim's IQ, kIQ is the killer's IQ):

  1. If kIQ > vIQ and the difference between them is more than 10 then both values won't be changed.

  2. If kIQ < vIQ and the difference between them is more than 10 then kIQ will be increased by 1/3 of the difference whereas vIQ will be decreased by 1/5 of it.

  3. If the difference between vIQ and kIQ is not more than 10 then kIQ will be increased by 1 and vIQ will be decreased by 1.

  4. If the victim kill it by itself, then it's IQ will be decreased by 3.

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