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This pilot investigates the distribution of divergent fungal actins and their potential correlation with specific fungal traits


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Investigating a structurally conserved divergent actin in fungi and its possible association with specific traits

This pilot investigates the potentially new function of a divergent actin form mainly found in fungal species using trait mapping and association analysis as a novel strategy to generate hypotheses about protein function. For more information, read the pub: Investigating a structurally conserved secondary actin in fungi and its possible correlation with specific traits

This pilot originates from an observation made in previous Arcadia work about actin ( Using ProteinCartography on human actin, a well defined cluster of divergent actins found mainly in fungal species has been identified. Primary actin functions have been the subject of many investigations and have been mostly characterized. In fungi for instance, primary actin are known to be involved in growth, cytoskeleton traffic and cell division. Yet divergent actins are expected to have a modified structure underlying potentially unknown/different functions than primary actins (in Fungi or any other species). In this pilot, we want to investigate the potential new function of this divergent actin that we further refer to as Divergent Fungal Actin (DFA). We use the ProteinCartography pipeline, combined with trait mapping and trait association analysis to generate hypotheses about the function of DFA.

Our approach is divided into four steps described below and for which code and data are provided in this repository.

  • Step 1: Expanding the initial set of fungal species that possess a DFA
  • Step 2: Defining the ‘working set of species’ (set of fungal species for which we can determine their DFA status (presence or absence))
  • Step 3: Curating fungal trait information
  • Step 4: Statistical modeling of the association of DFA and chosen fungal traits

Note: Aesthetic changes have been applied to the figures generated in these notebooks before publishing. These changes however don't change the data.

1 - Expanding the initial set of fungal species that possess a DFA

Clustering of original set of divergent actin and identification of representative sequences

We used mmseqs and the clustering module (MMseqs2 version 14.7e284) (; to cluster the 292 original sequences of DFA. We first created a database of the different sequences: mmseqs createdb LC23_sequences.fasta LC23_DB from the fasta file containing all 292 amino acid sequences (data/step1/LC23_sequences.fasta). Then, we used the easy-clust module with default parameters: mmseqs cluster LC23_DB LC23_clu tmp. We exported the clusters information: mmseqs createtsv LC23_DB LC23_DB LC23_clu LC23_clu.tsv. This file can be found in the folder results/step1/ . From each cluster, we extracted the longest sequence as the representative sequence (cluster 1: A0A401L4A6; cluster 2: A0A0C9N219; cluster 3:A0A2N1JBK3; cluster 4: A0A5B0SCN5; cluster 5: A0A226D8X1; cluster 6: A0A7J6TT41). Amino acid sequences of the six representative sequences are stored in the fasta file: results/step1/Clusters_Rep_Seq_Long.fasta.

ProteinCartography run

We used each of the six proteins as input proteins for “Search Mode'' of the pipeline ProteinCartography (version v0.4.0-alpha) to expand the original cluster of DFA. Full details on the ProteinCartography pipeline can be found in the GitHub repository and accompanying pub ( All input and output information are stored in Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.10211653

ProteinCartography metadata analysis (Figure 3 C & E)

The ProteinCartography run identified eight well defined clusters. Using the UMAP csv file generated by ProteinCartography data/step1/Protein_Cartography_umap_output.csv, we visualize the kingdom distribution as well as the protein length distribution for each cluster. Among the eight clusters, two of them, LC04 and LC11 contain the input sequences and thus represents the clusters containing the structurally divergent actins of interest. We eventually extract the associated metadata information specifically for these two clusters: results/step1/Protein_Cartography_output_DFAclusters.csv All the associated code is provided in the R Jupyter notebook: notebooks/Step1_Protein_Cartography_Metadata_Analysis.ipynb

Taxonomic analysis of the extended set of DFA (Figure 4A)

Altogteher, the two clusters identified with the new ProteinCartography run and the original cluster of DFA represent 436 sequences. We merged all metadata information of the strains with DFA into the file: data/step1/Extended_cluster_hits_DFA.csv We extracted the kingdom, phylum and order information. As some proteins belong to organisms that do not have an identified kingdom, we manually curated them and we added corresponding clade information instead (data/step1/DFA_clust_taxo_manually_corrected.csv). This includes: Discoba, Sar, Amoebozoa and Opisthokonta. We further investigated the distribution of DFA at the kingdom (or relevant clades) level. We generated the associated tree using representative species for each kingdom or clade in TimeTree( data/step1/DFA_king_tree.nwk. Figure 4A of the Pub displays the DFA distribution at the kingdom level.

All the associated code is provided in the R Jupyter notebook: notebooks/Step1_Taxonomic_analysis_extented_DFA_set.ipynb

2 - Defining the ‘working set of species’

In order to carry out trait mapping and association analysis between the presence/absence of DFA and fungal traits, we need to confidently establish whether or not a fungal species possesses a DFA. The working set is defined as the set of species for which the presence or absence of DFA was putatively established. Because ProteinCartography relies and protein structures available in UniProt and AlphaFold, we decided to define our working set as any fungal species that has a minimum of 6000 protein structures in AlphaFold. This represented 853 fungal strains. Then, for this set, that becomes our working set, we considered that the strains that are not part of the extended cluster don't possess a DFA (507 strains) and the other strains, that overlapped with the extended cluster, do possess a DFA (346 strains) .

Filtering out fungal species with less than 6000 protein structures available in Uniprot

We first obtained the list of fungal proteins and associated species that have protein structures available in AlphaFold from UniProt: Fungi_prot_uniprot.csv (this file is available on Zenodo) We then counted the number of proteins per fungal species from this search (results/step2/uniprot_fungal_species_and_proteinpdb.csv) and filtered out anything below 6000 proteins. This code is part of the Jupyter Notebook: notebooks/Step2_Defining_working_set_of_species.ipynb

Obtaining taxonomic information of the species in the working set

We obtained taxonomic information for these species by querying the NCBI Taxonomy database.

Note: when querying taxonomic information for many species, the connection with NCBI can stop. When this happens, the for loop must be restarted at the species number when the connection broke.

Taxonomic information were not retrieved for 22 species (results/step2/species_need_taxo_manually.csv) and were added manually: data/step2/manually_curated_taxonomy_species.csv The final file that contains all species of the workings set, the protein number and taxonomic information is: results/step2/uniprot_all_wset_taxo.csv This code is part of the Jupyter Notebook: notebooks/Step2_Defining_working_set_of_species.ipynb

Distribution of DFA in Fungi - Order level analysis

With the working set of fungal species with DFA status information results/step2/working_set_w_DFA.csv, we further investigated the distribution of DFA in the Fungi kingdom by calculating and visualizing the distribution of DFA at the order level. For each order, we calculate the fraction of species that possess a DFA (number of species with DFA in order divided number of species in the order): results/step2/order_information_DFA_fraction.csv

We obtained fungal order phylogeny information in TimeTree: data/step2/Fungi_order_timetree.nwk After trimming this tree, keeping only the orders present in our study, we visualized the order DFA fraction distribution and order size onto this tree (Figure 4B of the Pub) Code for this section is available in the Jupyter Notebook: notebooks/Step2_Order_distribution_DFA_Figure4B.ipynb

3 - Curating fungal trait information

We used the database FunFun as the source of fungal trait information ( This database contains a large set of information from different studies and other databases and provides them at the species level. We obtained the .csv representation of the database following their instruction on their github page. In R:


and exported the database:


We decided to focus on 6 traits: growth form, trophic mode, ascus dehiscence, presence/absence of auxin responsive promoter, spore length, and spore width. We extracted the corresponding information for the species present in the database that overlap with the species in the working set. While in FunFun 1,538 species have information for at least one of the traits, it only represents 142 species in our working set. Also, in our working set, some species are represented by multiple strains, and whenever a species has different DFA status for its associated strains, that species is removed from the study.
Eventually, we obtained phylogenetic relationships and the corresponding tree for 102 species using Timetree ( data/step3/species_trait_tree_final.nwk Altogether, we were able to collect DFA status, trait information and phylogenetic relationship for a total of 102 species and mapped this information onto a species-level tree (Figure 4B of the Pub) : results/step3/traits_DFA_info.csv

Code for this section is available in the Jupyter Notebook: notebooks/Step3_Curating_and_maping_trait_information.ipynb

4 - Statistical modeling of the association of DFA and chosen fungal traits

We used statistical modeling to determine whether the presence/absence of DFA is associated with specific fungal traits. Presence/absence of DFA is a binary variable and fungal traits are either binary (auxin responsive promoter), continuous (spore length and spore width) or discrete variables (Ascus dehiscence, growth form and trophic mode). We manually collapsed information per species from results/step3/traits_DFA_info.csv, to have only a single row of trait information per species and created the input dataset: data/step4/traits_DFA_info_col.csv (note for Agaricus bisporus the spore length and spore width have been averaged across two replicates)

For each trait, before running any model, we visualized the distribution of the data that are input for the models (Figure 6)

Code for this section is available in the Jupyter notebook: notebooks/Step4_Statistical_modeling.ipynb

Correlation analysis of DFA and continuous traits

We used phylogeny-corrected generalized linear models (pglmm) for continuous variables (pglmm_compare function from the R package phyr). For each model we report intercept, slope and associated p-values in the Pub Table 3

Correlation analysis of DFA and binary or discrete traits

For binary and discrete variables, we used the corHMM package and fitCorrelationTest function to fits hidden Markov models of binary characters evolution. These models allow different transition rate classes on different portions of a phylogeny. For each trait, the function fits different models of trait evolution of the divergent actin and fungal trait with and without correlated evolution, as well as with corresponding Hidden-Markov models. This allows to identify which models best describes/fits the evolutionary history of DFA and the binary or discrete trait of interest. Then, for each trait, we report models parameters and Akaike information criterion (AIC) to identify the model that best fits the trait evolution of DFA and the trait.

Discrete traits Discrete trait information from the FunFun database was reorganized to maximize the number of levels containing four or more species. For ‘Growth form’, we collapsed the levels ‘Yeast’ and ‘Facultative yeast’ into a single level: ‘Yeast’. For ‘trophic mode’, we defined three levels: ‘Saprotroph’, ‘Pathotroph’ and ‘Symbiotrioph’. Some species are associated with two or more different trophic modes. We parsed these species into the associated single levels. For instance, if a species is labeled as ‘Saprotroph-Pathotroph’, it is counted into ‘Saprotroph’ and ‘Pathotroph’.
Eventually, we removed any level that have fewer than 4 species

Binary trait Originally auxin responsive promoters information was provided as the number of promoters in eacg species. Because the distribution was skewed toward 0, we decided to tansform that trait into a binary trait presence/absence of auxin-responsive promoter.


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This pilot investigates the distribution of divergent fungal actins and their potential correlation with specific fungal traits







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