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@BKSalman BKSalman released this 28 Aug 22:02

(got bored of the 0.whatever so I'm bumping it to 1.0.0)

  • Major: Better download progress messages (including progress for playlist videos) since there is better yt-dlp parsing
  • Major: Move downloads logs from config_dir to cache_dir linux: $XDG_CACHE_HOME or $HOME/.cache -- windows: {FOLDERID_LocalAppData} -- macos: $HOME/Library/Caches
  • Major: Dev: Better yt-dlp parsing
  • Bugfix: Use .to_string_lossy() for download dir instead of .to_str(), that will solve this issue
  • Minor: Pressing Enter now starts the download (equivalent to clicking Download button)
  • Minor: Use default configs if config file is broken
  • Minor: Added --version or -V and --help or -h options to the binary to check the version
  • Minor: Better error messages in general (there were almost none actually)
  • Dev: Replace log4rs with tracing