This repo will contain all the information we can collect about the bioinformatics analysis of SARS-Cov2. We will try to include:
- General information about the virus: genomics, epidemiology, molecular mechanisms,etc
- Wetlab protocols: we are no wetlab experts, here we collect another groups/bibliography approximations that are currently being used. Knowing the protocols is imperative for develop comprenhensive pipelines addecuated to the data.
- Data resources: summary of resources for covid19 (raw data, genomes, etc) and sofware/pipelines/initiatives already going on so we can all share our knowledge.
- Analysis pipelines: different analysis aproximations depending on the data: experiment (metagenomics, sispa, amplicons) and sequencing platform (Illumina, pacbio, nanopore).
- Collect information about the virus.
- Collect information about initiatives and or already on going pipelines, we don't want to reinvent the wheel, and even so we want to share and merge our expertise.
- Collect and think about new aproximations for the analysis: phylogenomics, phylodinamics, protein modelling, etc.
- Launch our pipelines in all available data.
- Create new pipelines using nextflow framework, bioconda and/or containers (singularity and docker)