Major updates
Shaders can be loaded from DOM element alongside .fx files (deltakosh )
Adding arcRotateCamera.wheelPrecision (deltakosh )
Support for DOMMouseScroll (nicolas-obre )
Adding BABYLON.PickingInfo.prototype.getNormal (deltakosh )
Adding a new noMipmap parameter to BABYLON.CubeTexture
constructor (deltakosh )
Adding BABYLON.Color3.FromInts()
and BABYLON.Color4.FromInts()
(deltakosh )
Adding invertY parameter to BABYLON.VideoTexture
constructor (deltakosh )
Adding new BABYLON.Scene.getCameraByID
function (deltakosh )
Adding new BABYLON.Scene.setActiveCameraByName()
function (deltakosh )
Renaming BABYLON.Scene.activeCameraByID()
to BABYLON.Scene.setActiveCameraByID()
(deltakosh )
Adding texture wrapping support to Blender exporter (vousk )
Add Gulp for buiding babylon cross platform (SideraX )
Shadow map improvement on pack method (clementlevasseur )
Fixing multimat naming convention in Blender (deltakosh )
Fixing mesh.clone (temechon )
Fixing camera rotation export in blender (khmm12 )
Fixing opacity map bug (deltakosh )
Fixing physics objects disposal (deltakosh )
Using the hardware scaling when creating a ray (demonixis )
New demos
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