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Enterprise MAUI Project Template

Kannan Chithambaranathan edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 2 revisions

Enterprise App Development Visual Studio Template

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Getting Started

1. Overview

The Enterprise project template, that supports MAUI Mobile. For backend, ASP.NET Core project is added. For testing, MAUI mobile UI, backend testing project added. For next-generation, sample machine learning model generation and consume libraries are added. For feedback and ideas throw a mail to us. We are happy to collaborate with you.

2. Installing Plugin

Installing plugin from Marketplace click here.

Installing plugin from Visual Studio IDE

Extensions->Manage Extensions 01.jpg

Click Online and Search for Xamarin or brushtail. Click Download->Close and restart the visual studio IDE. 02.jpg

3. Creating an Enterprise Application

Open Visual Studio click Create a New Project. 06.jpg

Search for Enterprise App Development. 07.jpg

Type the project name. 08.jpg

Enterprise projects are created. 12.jpg

4. Project Structure

All projects' types in the template. 11.jpg

For example, the Enterprise app you are going create is Calculator. Following project structure explanation:

Calculator.Core -> .Net standard project for app domain functionality. (Place Data layer or logic inside Calculator.Core Solution Folder.)
Calculator.Core.UnitTest -> .Net core xunit project for testing domain functionality.

Calculator.Desktop.WinForms -> .Net Core project for Desktop WinForm Project.
Calculator.Desktop.WPF -> .Net Core project for Desktop WPF Project. If you want Xamarin Forms link to WPF.

Calculator.MLConsume -> .Net core project for consuming ML.Net.
Calculator.MLTrain -> .Net core project for training ML.Net model.

Calculator.Mobile -> Mobile Project for MAUI shared logic and UI.
Calculator.Mobile.Shared.UITest -> Project for testing Xamarin forms UI.

Calculator.Web -> ASP.Net Core project for Web app and backend API.
Calculator.Web.Static -> ASP.Net Core project for static Web app for User interface design.
Calculator.Web.UnitTest -> .Net core xunit project for testing Web app functionality.

5. Adobe XD Files

Calculator.Core.xd -> Adobe XD file for application architecture design, Models or related works.
Calculator.Desktop.xd -> Adobe XD file for Desktop UI prototype.
Calculator.Mobile.xd -> Adobe XD file for Mobile UI prototype.
Calculator.Web.xd -> Adobe XD file for Mobile UI prototype.
Calculator.UIKit.xd -> Adobe XD file for creating UIKit for fonts, themes, controls, UI interactions.

I created Open with Adobe XD extension to Open Adobe XD files inside Visual Studio. So, no need to switch Visual Studio back and forth. Click here to install.

6. Release Notes

1) Projerct Isolation added. (All tests are placed in the same project folder)

2) Default framework is .Net 6 for Web. Target Framework for Android is v12.1 (api 32)

3) Keep all packages are upto date.

7. Support Us

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