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HID Basics

Nathanael Schneider edited this page Nov 6, 2022 · 2 revisions

An HID-Device only needs one Interface containing the communication endpoints. The descriptor itself is also very concise, but the following HID-Descriptor, which is fetched separately, is a bit more complex and flexible.

The documentation for the class definition can be found here, a documentation on all the possible HID-functionality can be found here.

Device Descriptor / IAD

No specific class or subclass required here. Should be set to 0x00, as the interface defines what the capabilities are.


The class of an HID-Interface is 0x03, a subclass and protocol is only required for BIOS-support.

Field Value Meaning
Class 0x03 HID-Interface
SubClass 0x00 No BIOS-Support required
Protocol 0x00 Unused when SubClass 0x00


Source: HID1_11, Chapter 6.2.1
Following the Interface is an HID-Descriptor. This summary only defines how many functional descriptors there are, not the functionality of the device. The functionality is given through a Report-Descriptor. A Physical-Descriptor can be used to define which body parts actuate the inputs. Not necessary if you don't know what that information does.

Field Size Value Meaning
Length 1 9 Size of this descriptor
Descriptor Type 1 0x21 Type of this descriptor is HID-Descriptor
HID-Version 2 0x0110 Version of the HID-Specification
Country Code 1 0x00 A country code for localized hardware
Number of Descriptors 1 1 We'll only add one Report-Descriptor
Descriptor 0 Type 1 0x22 The first Descriptor is of type Report
Descriptor 0 Length 2 n The size of the Report-Descriptor