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Track Visualization

guijacquemet edited this page May 22, 2024 · 4 revisions

🔧 Track Visualization

1. Track Visualization

Visualizing raw tracks is the first critical step, ensuring that your data is loaded correctly:

  • The platform visualizes tracks for each loaded field of view.
  • Use the dropdown menu to select and inspect individual files dynamically.

Screenshot of Track Visualization

  • Process all fields of view, which will generate a pdf of each file in the Tracks folder in your results folder.


2. Origin-Normalized Plot for each field of view

  • Origin-Normalized Plot for each field of view will generate plot where each track originates from relative to a common reference point (0,0) in a coordinate system.


  • Process all field of view will generate a pdf of an Origin-Normalized Plot from each file into Tracks folder on your results folder.

3. Origin-Normalized Plot for each condition and repeat

  • Origin-Normalized Plot for each condition and repeat will generate a plot where all repeats can be visualized in one plot.


4. Origin-Normalized Plot for each condition

  • Origin-Normalized Plot for each condition combines all plots of certain conditions in one plot.


5. Plot the migration vectors for each field of view

  • Plot the migration vectors for each field of view will generate a migration vector for each cell track.
    • The orientation of the arrow represents the direction of migration, pointing from the starting position to the ending position.
    • The arrowhead size represents the vector's magnitude, with longer vectors having larger arrowheads.
    • Color represents the magnitude of the vectors. Lighter color indicate a longer vector.


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