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Regina edited this page Dec 1, 2015 · 21 revisions

Open Grid 1.0

OpenGrid User Test Case

Version 1.0

Submitted By:

May 2015

# Table of Contents


The signatures below indicate that the City of Chicago’s Department of Innovation and Technology concurs with the test plan described in this document prepared by Electronic Knowledge Interchange.

_______________________________ _______________________________

Department of Innovation & Technology Date

Revision History

Revision Date Author Notes
1.0 Diana Clem
Regina Hightower
  • Initial Version

  • ## Project Overview

    The City of Chicago’s Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) developed OpenGrid, an enterprise geographic information system, to support situational awareness and incident monitoring and response. In lieu of reviewing numerous and disparate reports, OpenGrid gives key personnel access to service calls, asset locations, building information, tweets and other critical information all in one place.

    The OpenGrid architecture consists of three primary parts: the user interface, service layer, and data layer. The user interface is design to remain unchanged. The service layer is meant to be flexible to any data source. The data layer will be implemented based on client specifications. From the application layer, users may then query data by type, time and distance from a point or within a boundary, and retrieve real-time or historical data.

    Document Purpose

    This document contains test scripts that will walk through the possible paths the end user is presented with while navigating the application and the expected results of each action. The document also contains sample data-set that can be used to conduct the testing.

    ## Setup

    Test Cases can be completed by accessing the application in DoIT's quality assurance environment.

    Test environment and client

    These tests have been performed in the QA environment using the Open Grid client application.

    OpenGrid Application Test Cases

    This section specifies the test cases that should be executed in order to complete Quality Assurance Test of the Open Grid 1.0 (OG1.0) application.

    The ‘Execution Steps’ on each ‘Test Case’ outline the actions to be taken to complete the test case. For each execution step, please confirm that the actual results match the expected results identified in the ‘Expected Results’ column.

    User Roles

    The test cases below cover the user roles identified in requirement 2.1

    • Administrator: able to add users to the system, able to remove users from the system, may access data in real-time.
    • Full Access-Real-time: public safety users; may access data in real-time.
    • Full Access-Reporting: public safety users; may accept slight delay in data freshness.
    • Basic Access-Reporting: non-public safety users: may accept slight delay in data freshness.

    Authentication and Authorization

    Functional Requirements

    Authentication and Authorization will be modified to meet the security needs of users adapting OpenGrid. Users must gain access to the system by using a unique username and password.

    Login and Logout

    Precondition: User has unique User ID and password.

    Execution Steps Expected Results Actual Result Comments
    1. Login

    Launch app: https:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    When the application is initially opened on the browser and no active OpenGrid 1.0 session exists, a login window will be displayed.

    Id and password fields should be enterable.

    Login button should appear only after id and password are entered.

    2. Valid login

    Execute step 1. Use an userid with access to OpenGrid

    1. Type in valid userid and password. Select login button.
    1. Type in valid userid and password. Login button should appear only after both are entered. Application landing page should appear. Logoff.
    Open Grid uses its own database.
    3. Invalid login

    Execute step 1.

    1. Type in invalid id and select the login button.
    2. Use an invalid id that is on UMS but not on AD. Type in id and password. Select login button.

      User should get an error message -

      1. “The login failed due to invalid username/password.”
      2. “The login failed due to invalid username/password or you do not have permissions to access the system.”
      4. Logout

      Execute step 2.

      Go to Command bar. Click your name on the right. From dropdown list, select Logout.

      • Logout should be on dropdown list.

      • Upon execution of Logout, the login screen should display.

      Session Time-Out

      Functional requirement 2.2.5 as amended in change request.

      Session Timeout

      After the application has been idle for 15 minutes, the user will be logged off. The next action on the screen will result in display of login page with a message indicating that the session has expired.

      Precondition: Establish valid login session.

      Execution Steps Expected Results Actual Result Comments
      1. Login and then have 15 minutes of inactivity. Attempt any command on OG 1.0 (The number of minutes is configurable).

      2. Type in invalid id and password.

      3. Login, perform quick search of tweet data “Tweet xxxx” to invoke the monitoring refresh. Have 16 minutes of no keyboard activity.
      1. Login page should be presented with message: “Your session has timed out. For your security, you were logged off”.

      2. Message should be replaced with “The login failed due to invalid username/password.”

      3. Session should not time-out.

      Page Layout

      Functional Requirements Ref: 2.3.1-2.3.2

      Page should match Functional Design section 3.1

      User with Administrative Rights
      User without Administrative Rights
      Execution Steps
      Page Element #, Element Name/Description
      Expected Results Actual Result Comments
      1. Quick Search box;clicking on the quick hint icon will display a “cheat sheet” with all the available commands and syntax.
      1. Should be able to type in quick search box.

      2. Clicking on hint icon should bring up the “cheat sheet” with available commands. This box should not block the quick search and should remain visible until closed.

      2. Command bar
      1. Click on “Advanced Search” to bring up the search panel.
      2. Click on “Clear Data” this will clear the map and table view.
      3. Userid with admin rights. Click on “Manage” to bring up the administration screens.
      4. Userid without admin rights. “Manage” should not be on Command bar.
      1. Side panel should expose with the Advanced Search menu. Values already on map remain.

      2. All values on map and grid are reset. Monitoring is turned off.

      3. Side panel should expose with Admin screens.

      4. “Manage” button should not be on command bar
      3. User panel, displaying the name of the currently logged in user with a drop down arrow to right of the username for logging out. Display as Described.
      4. Zoom-in/out controls Map should zoom in, zoom out.
      5. Reset Map view and Area Zoom Map should reset to original view.
      Map should redirect to include all query results.
      6. Zoom specification control
      Full-Screen control
      Geo-location control
      Map zooms within specific location.
      Full screen control returns map to full screen mode.
      Current location is pinned on the map.
      7. Layer control this will allow the user to switch between:
      1. Street View.
      2. Aerial View.
      3. Display list of available layers.
      1. Street View.
      2. Aerial View.
      3. Display list of available layers.
      8. Measurement Tools
      1. Distance between points.

      2. Distance around a point.

      3. Turn off measurement tool by clicking on icon again.
      1. Cursor should measure click to click on map. Measurement in feet, miles, yards, meters, or kilometers.

      2. Create circle around point in feet, miles, yards, meters, or kilometers.

      3. Clear measurement mode.

      9. Expandable table view panel.

      Perform any quick search or Chicago Find.

      Bottom panel shows.

      Results of data search with displayable fields for each data point.

      10. Main map display Default is City of Chicago

      Quick Search

      Functional Requirements Ref: 2.12.4, 2.4.1

      A Quick Search box can be used to perform common searches that will support the following commands/inputs:

      Precondition: Valid Login

      Execution Steps Expected Result Actual Result Comments


      1. Type “50 W. Washington” in quick search
      2. Type in “50 Washington”
      1. Finds the specified address on map and in grid.
      2. Finds 50 East Washington on map and in grid.

      Latitude and Longitude

      1. Type in 41.8270, -87.6423
      2. Type in 418270, - 87.6423
      1. Displays a marker to show location of latitude and longitude entered. Nothing in grid.
      2. No marker on map and in grid.

      Place Name

      1. Type “Daley Center”
      2. Type “Eiffel Tower”
      1. Shows location of Daley Center, 50 W. Washington. Nothing in grid.
      2. Finds all data points for Eiffel Tower and centers the map. Data in grid.


      1. Type "tweet"
      2. Type tweet coupon
      1. Pulls up all tweets throughout the grid.
      2. Pull up tweets that have key phrase coupon.


      1. Type “weather 60602”
      2. Type “weather 60611”
      1. Displays a point in the middle of the zip code showing weather information. Data also in grid.
      2. Displays a point in the middle of zip code showing weather information. Data also in Grid.

      Monitor mode of Quick Search

      Precondition: Valid login to OpenGrid.

      Execution Steps Expected Result Actual Result Comments
      1. Quick Search auto refresh
      1. Type in “tweets”. Leave on screen for 35 seconds
      1. After 35 seconds, the screen should refresh the data.

      Advanced Search

      Functional Requirements Ref: 2.4, 2.10, 2.11-2.12 excluding 2.12.4

      Precondition: Valid login to OpenGrid.

      Execution Steps Expected Result Actual Result Comments

      Existing Queries

      1. In the commonly used query drop down select the commonly used query, then click submit.
      2. Load saved query drop down select the saved query, click submit.
      3. Adding Datasets and Standard filters

      4. Click on add datasets, select the saved dataset from the list (for ex: twitter). Click submit.
      5. Add a rule or group to your dataset
        Adding a rule gives you the option to query by date, city, screen name or text.

        Additional/Geo-spatial filters
        There are two filters to search by “Within” and “Near”

      6. Select "Within", the dropdown menu consist of Map Extent, Drawn Extent, Citywide, Zipcode and Ward. Click on Drawn Extent and submit.
      7. Clear Data - Select the Clear Data button.
      8. Reset on advance search
      9. Modify the Color, Size and Opacity of the points using icons in advanced search.
      1. The results from the commonly used query should appear.
      2. The results from the saved query should appear.
      3. The results from the dataset should appear on the map.
      4. Map, table and Advance Search are all reset as if initially logging on.
      5. Map and table do not change. Criteria on Advance Search panel are removed (as if initial time to Advanced Search).
      6. Attributes should change as specified.

      Table functions

      Precondition: Valid login to OpenGrid.

      Complete an Advanced Search with results. At the bottom of the screen pull up the table grid. The table consists of standard columns: Date, Screen Name, Text, City, Latitude and Longitude. To the right there is a search text box and menu bar. The menu bar holds functions for columns, exportation, Graph, Heat Map, Tile Map and refreshing. The Columns icon is interchangeable allows you to setup table columns suitable to the user. Export function is a dropdown format that gives you the option to export the data from the table into csv, pdf or excel format. The graph icon gives you the ability to place the data into a graph based off screen name or city. The Heat Map gives you a graphical representation of data where the values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. The refresh function allows you to pause, resume or refresh data within the grid. The Tile Map presents an overview of selected data in tile format.

      Execution Steps Expected Result Actual Result Comments
      1. Click on one of the Rows. Click on another Row
      2. Resort table by clicking on each heading.
      3. Re-sequence the table by moving one of the fields. Move to end of the row.
      4. Resize column
      5. Save query. Clear Data, Load saved query,submit.
      6. Repeat steps b, c and d. Clear Data, Load saved query, submit.
      7. Finally, a query can be saved along with the selected options on how the points are displayed and any customizations performed by the user to the tabular view e.g. column sizes, column arrangement, etc.

      8. Save query name with special characters.Maximize the number of characters.
      9. Save a new one with same name as old one.
      10. Set multiple color attributes and save query, Clear Data and rerun the save query.
      1. Selected point should highlight on map. Data bubble should open. On second click, first bubble should close and new one will open.
      2. Table should resort.
      3. Table should move column to end.
      4. Column should resize
      5. Column size, order and sort should be same as when saved.
      6. Column size, order and sort should be same as when last RUN.
      7. Not sure what the the limit is for the name.
      8. Should get error message that this matches existing name with option to overwrite it or supply new name.
      9. Colors should display as set. Map and table will clear with the “clear data”. Running the saved query should result in same results.

      Manage Saved Queries

      All previously saved queries are accessible from the Saved Queries option on the main navigation menu. When this option is selected, a list of the user’s Saved Queries is displayed where user can delete or rename the query. The name of the query is an active link that will perform the search when clicked.

      Opening a saved query will invoke the query and used the user options saved along with the search criteria.

      Recently saved queries can also be opened from the Build query tab. Selecting a specific query from the Load Saved Query dropdown will load the saved query. At this point the user can choose to submit the query as-is or update the query definition to add more datasets or change the query filter and save it as a query under a different name.

      Precondition: Valid login to OpenGrid.

      Execution Steps Expected Result Actual Result Comments
      1. Click on Advance Search
      2. Create a query,name and save it.
      • Go to Datasets and Standard Filters
      • Click on Add datasets; select the dataset from drop down.
      • Add rule, group or color.
      • Add additional Geo Spatial Filters (optional).
      • Create new query name in the "Save Query As" text box;click save.
      1. Click on “Load saved query”.New query should display from dropdown list. Click Submit.
      2. Click on Manage Queries.
      3. Select from the list of saved queries.
      4. Click back to Advanced Search by clicking on the Search link.
      5. Modify color in dataset tab by selecting color of preference,click submit.
      6. Save modified color in dataset,click save.
      1. Panel displays, default tab is Build Query.
      2. Should display message "Success: Query was saved successfully."
      3. Validate new saved query displays.
      4. Should display all of your saved queries.
      5. Save Query Name should be clickable.
      6. Query should load;query should display in the "Load Save Query" section.
      7. New color should display on the map.
      8. New color should be saved and results of saved query (new color) should display on map.

      Administration “Manage” function

      User Administration

      Precondition: Valid login to OpenGrid. User has been given access as an administrator.
      Functional Requirements Ref: 2.16

      On the application’s administration page, users with Administrator role should be able to add and remove users from OpenGrid Active Directory groups. From the Manage pane, when the Manage Users option is selected from the menu, a user search screen is displayed where users can be searched by typing in the user name (user ID) or given name (will require both First and Last Name).

      On the User administration screen, the administrator should also be able to:

      • Add a new User
      • Add a group or groups to a User
      • Update an existing User
      • Delete A User
      Execution Steps Expected Results Actual Result Comments
      Select “Manage”
      Select “Manage Users”
      1. Should navigate to Manage Users tab

      Select “new user”

      1. New Users text box consist of:
      2. User ID

        First Name

        Last Name

        Groups (Name of Group)

      3. Enter a User ID, Password, First and Last Name
      4. Click on the submit button
      1. New User should appear in the User ID column under Manage Users.
      2. If ID exists in database, it should not let you add the supplicate user id, A message “user id already exists”. If not, you can add the id.
      3. Data should be retained in the new user text box.
      4. New User should appear in the User ID column under Manage Users.
      For OpenGrid type in any ID

      Add a group/s to a User

      1. Select from dropdown list. Select each separately and all of them on different user ids and test functionality by logging on as each user.
      1. Each user id should only have the access granted. Each group can have different dataset access. If a user does not have access to a particular dataset, a message will be returned stating that they do not have access to xx dataset. This occurs for both quick search of data as well as advance search of the data. The dataset will be on the list of available datasets but will return no values and a message.

      Update a User

      To the left of the UserID column there is an edit function.

      1. Click on the small square icon.
      2. Create any updates to the User click the blue submit button.
      • Update Password
      • Update First and Last Name
      • Click OK
      1. The Update Item text box appears

      2. The updated information should replace the old data.
      • The User ID should not be editable.

      • The Password, First and Last Name can be updated.

      The changes should appear in the columns where updates were submitted.

      Delete a User

      1. Click on the circle with the (x) in the middle on the first left column before the User ID column.
      2. Click cancel
      3. Click OK
      1. The Manage Users textbox will appear with a question “All queries saved by this user will be deleted as well. Continue?”
      • If click cancel the User will remain within the list.

      • If click OK the User will be removed from the list.

      Group Administration

      Precondition:Valid login to OpenGrid. ID has been given access as an administrator.

      Functional Requirements Ref: 2.18-2.19

      The administrator must be able to create an OpenGrid group and manage a group’s membership.

      On the group administration screen, the administrator should also be able to:

      • Add a new group
      • Add functions and data types to a group
      • Update an existing group
      • Delete a Group
      Execution Steps Expected Results Actual Result Comments
      Select “Manage”
      Select “Manage Groups”
      1. Manage Group consist of:
        Group Details (Group Overview)
        Functions (what type of functionality assigned to the Group)

      Data Types (The types of datasets)

      1. Manage drop down should appear. The default screen is the Manage Group Tab.

      Select “new group”

      New Group text box consist of:

      • ID (Userid)
      • Name (Name of Group)
      • Description (Type of Group)
      • Enable checkbox
      1. Enter ID, Name and Description of new group.
      2. Click on the submit button
      1. New Group textbox appears.
      2. New Group should appear in the Group details column under Manage Groups.

      Add Functions and data types to Groups

      1. Functions and Data Types columns are both drop down boxes. Functions column consist of app functionality (i.e. Quick Search, Advanced Search)
      2. Data Types consist of datasets within the app (i.e. Twitter, weather)

      Select a function and data types based on group column row. By clicking the drop down tab in each column for every group row.

      1. Drop box appears with selection options.

      Update an Existing Group

      To the left of the Group Details column there is the edit function.

      1. Click on the small square icon.
      2. Create any updates to the Group click the blue submit button.
      • Update ID
      • Update Name
      • Update Description
      1. The Update Item text box appears.
      2. The updated information should replace the old data.
      • The ID should not be editable.

      The Name and Description can be updated.

      The changes should appear in the group details columns after the updates are submitted.

      Delete a Group

      1. Click on the circle with the (x) in the middle on the first left column before the Group Details column.
      • Click cancel
      • Click OK
      1. The Manage Group textbox will appear with a question “Are you sure you wnat to delete this group?"
      • If click cancel the Group will remain within the list.

      • Click OK the Group will be removed from the list.

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