Main target of the project is to demonstrate the advantages of a BPMN Engine in the enterprise to carry on and track most of the repetitive tasks and processes happening in the organization.
- First of all, make sure to have Camunda running.
After that, make sure to have at least one process deployed on the Camunda Platform Engine.
Then go to the Cockpit link CockPit-Processes and verify that the version of the process is correct by clicking on it.
After that, start the relative Worker insiede the NODE project by running the following commands:
npm install
Then run the relative worker script defined inside the package.json file.
npm run 'name-of-worker'
- Then go to TaskList Section of Camunda Platform Engine, click on Start Process and now, we can start the entry process mark with START at the end of the name.
Now the process is correctly running and the external task client is subscribed to it's relative Service Task.
Member | |
Daniele Moschini | |
Damiano Serpetta | |
Michele Benedetti | |