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Main target of the project is to demonstrate the advantages of a BPMN Engine in the enterprise to carry on and track most of the repetitive tasks and processes happening in the organization.
The scope of this section of the project is:
- Model the actual interactions (as described in this document) between the involved groups of people in the “User Life Cycle Process” in a BPMN 2.0 format, including information moving between involved groups of people.
- Propose one or more versions of the model with some automation included, meaning with some Manual Task converted to Service Tasks, explaining how the process should change, if needed, and how the automated task should be implemented.
- Optionally providing one or more implementations of some of the service tasks identified by the optimization step. Implementations should focus on the Active Directory system first, then moving on the Intranet System.
BPMN diagrams and implementation should be produced using the Camunda platform, comprising the Camunda Engine Community Edition and the Camunda Modeler.
Examples of the messages exchanged between the systems will be provided, and all enterprise systems interactions, will be represented in the form of c# interfaces, that can be either implemented on a test system or entirely mocked.
Realization of the project can be executed remotely, outside the enterprise but regular meetings to analyze project progresses are required, every two weeks. An email channel with the project tutors inside the company will be available at any time.
Internal Collaborators (Employees): People owning a regular employment relationship, with regular payroll and all the bureaucracy involved. They are usually employed in a single Department, but multi-department roles exists in the company.
External Collaborators: People collaborating with the company by means of a non regular basis, either via fixed time contracts, or on a per project basis. Several types of External collaborators may exist.
- Shopfloor collaborators: They help in "physical" parts of the project, by assembling, testing, disassembling and prepare for shipping the machines produced by the company. They are usually hired for a period of time and can be assigned to any project during this period of time.
- Project collaborators: Hired to realize all or parts of a single project. They are hired on a per project basis, and tend to spend lot of time within our company during the execution of their duties. They may be self-employed or part of a company. We must keep track of both the hiring company and the person.
- Internships and students: In the company for a period of time usually to collaborate or to carry out projects. They are usually followed by a tutor. Which also must be assigned.
- Subcontractors: Hired to realize all or parts of a project. They are hired on a per project basis, but unlike the Project Collaborators, they usually work at their workplaces.
- Consultants: Hired for a period of time. Usually they bring "high level" knowledge based on their experience in one or more fields of competence.
Suppliers: People or companies selling services or goods. They often need to use some of our systems to track information about orders prices and timings, so they must be tracked and authenticated.
Customers: People or companies commissioning some kind of service or product to our Enterprise. They often need to collaborate strictly with the design teams of the projects, so often they need to share planning and documents of any type. The relationship lasts at least for the commissioned product duration, but can be extended if needed.
HR Department: Is the department in charge of carrying out all of the HR activities from recruiting to resignment.
Administration Department: Is the department in charge of all contract details, payroll related activities, and fiscal requirements.
Department Managers: Persons in charge of organizing work in the department. They often collaborate with HR to organize job rotations, and assign roles to department members.
IT Department: Provides access to enterprise applications by assigning roles and permissions to the users.
HR System: It's the software owning most of the information about people involved with the company.
Payroll System: It's the software in charge of managing employee payrolls.
Loccioni Desktop: The portal for many of the internal applications (both commercial and internal).
ERP System: Is the main ERP for the company. It has many functions and modules and often requires "fine grained" access management.
User Management System: The main storage for users credentials. Many other applications rely on this system to authenticate users. It is the place where users are created, enabled, disabled, and roles granted or revoked to users.
Document System: It is the main Document repository for the enterprise. Used throughout the enterprise and outside also.