PBVPv2 is an add-on for Project Brutality 3.0 which aims to turn pickups sprites into 3d models. PB 3.0 is currently in development.
If you use anything from this repository or mod, PLEASE GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE (even for modifications). While best practice is to ask, We understand that we are not always going to be around to ask. The least you can do is give credit to the ones who have put the work into this project. Thank You.^^
Due to a recent update to pb3.0, the current models are outdated and have been incorrectly scaled down. We are currently working on new models, so please be patient. I have patched out the error which prevented the mod from loading, you can still play with it, if you'd like.
What is PBVPv2? PBVP is an add-on for the DooM mod Project Brutality. Its aim is to turn the 2d pickups and decorations into 3d models that fit the style of DooM without rendering the game unplayable.