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Peiran-Wei edited this page May 30, 2021 · 14 revisions

1.Environment settings:

Software and platform: . Microsoft Windows and Mac OS . Android Studio . JDK1.8 . SmartCarEmulator . ArduinoIDE . Hivemq-ce(or any other MQTT broker)

2.Get started:

After you clone or download the whole project from our repository. Use the Android Studio to open the “JoystickTest” file and sync the “build.gradle”file. Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 01 46 08

Next, you should start the local broker(Here I use Hivemq-ce as an example) Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 01 48 36

The default MQTThost is your local-IP and the default MQTTport is 1883. You can set the MQTThost in the “”.

Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 01 50 40

Then, use the Arduino IDE to open the “joystickcar.ino”. And set the same host, port, USERNAME, and PASSWORD.

Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 02 17 08

Open the SMCE(SmartCarEmulator) to compile “joystickcar.ino” and run the android studio “JoystickTest” project.