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Surroundings detection function

Maheli Silva edited this page May 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

Functional requirements:

  1. The car should allow to detect obstacles in its moving path using its sensors.
  2. The car should allow the user to change direction of its current path.
  3. The system should display the feedback or the results clearly defined.
  4. The car should provide the angle of turn when moving from a straight path.

Non-functional requirements:

  1. 98% of the users should be able to change the direction without facing any trouble.
  2. 98% of the user should be able to see the correct turning angle when turning the car.

Scenario: The car owner having problems concentrating while driving, the surrounding detective function will stop the car if the car is close to crash to another car.

Scenario: The car owner lets the car drive automatically, while owner takes care of their kids, surroundings detection function will make the car stop when there are pedestrians around the car.

User Story:

  1. As a user I want the car to have an obstacle avoidance system, so that crashes can be avoided.
  2. As a user I want the obstacle avoidance system to be accurate, so that the car would not crash due to delays in the system.