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Guzmarzu edited this page May 30, 2021 · 14 revisions

1.Environment settings:

Software and platform: . Microsoft Windows and Mac OS . Android Studio . JDK1.8 . SmartCarEmulator . ArduinoIDE . Hivemq-ce(or any other MQTT broker)

2.Get started:

After you clone or download the whole project from our repository. Use the Android Studio to open the “JoystickTest” file and sync the “build.gradle”file. Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 01 46 08

Next, you should start the local broker(Here I use Hivemq-ce as an example) Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 01 48 36

The default MQTThost is your local-IP and the default MQTTport is 1883. You can set the MQTThost in the “”.

Screenshot 2021-05-29 at 01 50 40

Then, use the Arduino IDE to open the “joystickcar.ino”. And set the same host, port, USERNAME, and PASSWORD.

Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 02 17 08

Open the SMCE(SmartCarEmulator) to compile “joystickcar.ino” and run the android studio “JoystickTest” project.

Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 02 24 27

Click the “REGISTER” to register an account. Make sure you enter the same password twice. After you confirm you account, click back to login the system

Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 02 24 47

When you login into the system successfully. You need to start the SMCE car and click the connect button to connect with the car. The camera will work after you click the black space above the joystick. After the image appears, you can control the car by moving the red joystick.

Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 02 25 48