Utilities for generating raw reads datasets for deep neural network training
usage: bam2reads.py [-h] -b BAM -s FASTA [-o OUT_TAG] [-n NUM_SEQ_PER_CHUNK]
Takes sorted bam file and produces reads file and index for ML modeling
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BAM, --bam BAM bam files to process
-s FASTA, --fasta FASTA
FASTA of reference sequences used to align bam
-o OUT_TAG, --out_tag OUT_TAG
tag used for tag.reads.txt and tags.index.csv
-n NUM_SEQ_PER_CHUNK, --num_seq_per_chunk NUM_SEQ_PER_CHUNK
number of sequences
Outputs are .index.csv with 1-indexed start/end of reads for each ref sequence and .reads.txt