Bunch of helper code for your DevMaker Rails project
- Move the push notification class (and its
gem dependency) to a new gem (does not need to be an engine)- add the whole user device database and mutations
- Move the GQL specific stuff to a single gem
- Better describe each generators usage
Add this 2 lines to your application's Gemfile:
gem "devmaker_rails_sdk", git: "https://gitlab.com/devmaker-mobile-apps/rails/devmaker-rails-sdk.git", tag: "2.0.0"
gem "apollo_upload_server", "2.0.0.beta.3"
You need to have access to this private gitlab repo from your gitlab account.
So you give bundler an user and password. This is the command:
bundle config gitlab.com GitLabUsername:GITLAB_PASSWORD
And then execute:
$ bundle
- Class to send push notification to firebas (using the FCM gem)
is a controller mixin to handle GraphQL requests- A bunch of common GraphQL Types and Mixins usefull in many project... (see app/graphql
- A handfull of generators. see Generators.md
On heroku, use the @devmaker-ci-cd
gitlab user to access, you need to set it as an ENV var:
heroku config:set BUNDLE_GITLAB__COM=devmaker-ci-cd:THE_SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD