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File metadata and controls

268 lines (244 loc) · 11.6 KB

Nice Rails resources:

New Project Setup:

Bare Start:

  1. gem install rails
  2. create the bitbucket repo
  3. rails new PROJECTNAME -d postgresql
  4. do the bare rails new project push to the repo

Setup the Test Env:

  1. see:
  2. delete test folder, use only the spec from now on
  3. see:
  4. create the spec/factories folder
  5. copy bin/rspec and then run bundle binstubs bundler --force
  6. optional:

Admins CRUD:

  1. use gem "kaminari"
  2. use gem "bootstrap_form", ">= 4.0.0.alpha1"
  3. rails g kaminari:views bootstrap4
  4. create the current_page method at the admin controller
  5. Partial layouts/_form_record_errors
  6. example commit:

S3 Bucket Setup:

  1. Amazon AWS Console (login with:
  2. Create a bucket and copy the configs from other bucket
  3. set the current CORS polycy
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <CORSConfiguration xmlns="">
  4. create a new IAM user for the project
  5. set permission on this project buckets only (
  6. Copy ID + Secret and Add them to s3 key at rails credentials:edit
  7. add the gem "aws-sdk-s3", "~> 1"
  8. copy the aws.rb initializer and update the settings

Private Admin Area Setup:

  1. Create a temporary Admin::Dashboard#index page
    1. rails g controller Admir/Dashboard index
  2. Add devise:
    1. follow after install instructions
    2. root "admin/dashboard#index"
    3. dont need to generate the views yet
    4. add devise pt-BR translations with the gem:
  3. Generate de user devise model: rails generate devise User
  4. create the admin model with a polymorphic has_one relation to user
  5. add the polymorphic association
  6. Protect the admin Controller:
    1. Create the AdminController
    2. change the Admin::DashboardController

Add the Bootstrap Template Styles:

  1. add gem "bootstrap_form", ">= 4.0.0.alpha1"
  2. add gem "jquery-rails"
  3. copy de package.json file and run yarn install
  4. copy the entire vendor/assets folder
  5. copy the layout/application.html.erb
    1. copy layouts/_flash_messages
    2. copy/edit layouts/admin/header
    3. copy/edit layouts/admin/menu
    4. change the app/assets/images/logo
  6. create the layout/admin.html.erb
  7. in assets.rb
    1. add admin.css admin.js to precompiled_assets
    2. add Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("vendor", "assets")
  8. copy the app/assets/stylesheets/admin.css & app/assets/javascripts/admin.js
  9. copy the admin/menu.js
  10. example commit:

Add a Public GQL API:

  1. see
  2. add gem "graphql"
  3. bin/rails generate graphql:install --schema=PublicSchema
  4. ⚠️ graphiql-rails has a bug. use version < 1.5 (see: rmosolgo/graphiql-rails#58)
  5. Move & Rename genetared MutationType & QueryType to PublicMutationType & PublicQueryType at the schema also
  6. copy the GraphqlControllerMixin controller concern
  7. move & change the GraphqlController to Public/GraphqlController
  8. change the route to use the public/grapql controller post "/graphql", to: "public/graphql#execute"
  9. example commit:

Mutation to signup an Passenger at the public api:

  1. Copy the ErrorHandlingMutation mutation mixin
  2. Copy the BaseMutation
  3. Create the Passenger model with has_one :user
  4. example commit:
  5. create the passengerSignup mutation
  6. return a public version of the Passenger (Types::Models::PublicPassengerType)
  7. example commit:

Mutation to Login:

  1. Add doorkeeper
  2. integrate with devise
  3. Check both devise.rb & doorkeeper.rb config
  4. copy UserTokenType
  5. copy graphql/mutations/mixins/handle_login_mutation.rb
  6. Mutation to login ond return a token
  7. example commit:

Create a Private Passenger API:

  1. new graphql route & Schema
  2. simple Me query returning a PassengerType
  3. example commit:

Setup Postgis:

  1. locally install postgis: brew install postgis
  2. gem:
  3. heroku setup:
  4. change rails database config:
    2. url: <%= ENV.fetch('DATABASE_URL', '').sub(/^postgres/, "postgis") %>
  5. example with CheckPoints Table:

Push Notifications:

  1. FCM gem:
  2. Copy PushNotification class
  3. Copy the Base Notification class

Heroku Deploy:

  1. be sure to have ruby "2.5" at Gemfile
  2. heroku apps:create cartax-staging --remote=staging
  3. heroku buildpacks:add heroku/nodejs
  4. heroku buildpacks:add heroku/ruby
  5. heroku config:set BUNDLE_GITLAB__COM=devmaker-ci-cd:THE_SUPER_SECRET_PASSWORD (if the project uses this gem from the private gitlab repo)
  6. heroku config:set RAILS_ENV=staging -a YYYY-staging
  7. heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=[master.key string] -a YYYY-staging
  8. create a Procfile file at root (maybe the first time you create the database you cant have the release Procfile line)
    web: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
    release: bundle exec rake db:migrate
  9. Configure the heroku final url: (at production.rb or staging.rb)
    Rails.application.routes.default_url_options = {host: ""}
    config.action_mailer.default_url_options = Rails.application.routes.default_url_options
    config.action_controller.default_url_options = Rails.application.routes.default_url_options
  10. replace the default js_compressor to enable Uglyfier harmony mode: config.assets.js_compressor = true)
  11. Create a staging rails env and set at the heroku staging app
    1. copy config/production.rb and change url
    2. change the database.yml to set staging like prod
  12. set this to staging.rb and production.rb:
    1. config.assets.js_compressor = true)
  13. After the deploy is done:
    1. heroku run rake db:schema:load -a YYYYYYY
    2. heroku run rake db:seed -a YYYYYYY

Emails with fancy styles?

  1. Consider:

Production Background Jobs Structure

  1. Start understanding how Rails ActiveJob works:
  2. Instal redis in your machine (brew install redis?)
  3. Add (or buy) the Heroku Redis addon to your heroku app
  4. Add sidekiq and redis gems:
    gem "redis", "~> 4.0"
    gem "sidekiq"
  5. Run bundle install
  6. Tell Heroku to start a new process to run sidekiq by adding this to
    worker: bundle exec sidekiq -e $RAILS_ENV -c 10
  7. Check if you have to pay for this new process at your heroku app
  8. Add config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq to config/application.rb
  9. Add the sidekiq web interface by adding mount Sidekiq::Web => "/sidekiq" to routes.rb
  10. Require a username and password authentication for this ui in production:
    1. add this to the top of the routes.rb:
    require 'sidekiq/web'
    Sidekiq::Web.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
      ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(username), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SIDEKIQ_USERNAME"])) &
        ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(password), ::Digest::SHA256.hexdigest(ENV["SIDEKIQ_PASSWORD"]))
    end if Rails.env.production?

ActionCable Setup (to send notifications to each user using websocket)

  1. Add redis gem:
    gem "redis", "~> 4.0"
  2. Run bundle install
  3. Create NotificationsChannel (notifications_channel.rb) in app/channels
    class NotificationsChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
      def subscribed
        stream_for current_user
  4. Change the class Connection in channels/application_cable/connection.rb:
    module ApplicationCable
      class Connection < ActionCable::Connection::Base
        identified_by :current_user
        def connect
          self.current_user = find_verified_user
          logger.add_tags "ActionCable",
        def find_verified_user
          verified_user = env["warden"].user || User.find_by(id: access_token&.resource_owner_id)
          verified_user || reject_unauthorized_connection
        def access_token
          @access_token ||= Doorkeeper::AccessToken.by_token(
  5. Add the following configuration to the module Pattern in config/application.rb:
    config.action_cable.disable_request_forgery_protection = true

Testing if websocket is working to message user

  1. You must have user authentication system and at least one registered user (in our example we name it user1 = User.find(1))

  2. Configure the development adapter in config/cable.yml:

      adapter: redis
      url: <%= ENV.fetch("REDIS_URL") { "redis://localhost:6379/1" } %>
      channel_prefix: {your-project}_development
  3. Create a file on the directory app/assets/javascripts and add the following content to it: = App.cable.subscriptions.create "NotificationsChannel",
      connected: ->
      received: (data) ->
  4. Add the created and cable.js to the admin.js

    //= require cable.js
    //= require
  5. Login with user1 and open the browser console. If it displays "connected", the websocket is working.

  6. Run rails console in the terminal and try sending a message to the user1

    ActionCable.server.broadcast_to user1, message: "hello user"
  7. If the response to this command is "1", the message was sent by the websocket. Check if the message "hello user" arrived on the browser console opened earlier.