This script is for building a basic tile server with OpenStreetMap data.
Only for use on a clean Ubuntu 14, Ubuntu 16, or Ubuntu 18 install!!
NOTE: Ubuntu 14 uses osm2pgsql 0.82 and Ubuntu 16 uses osm2pgsql 0.88. The versions handle --slim differently. Currently the reload script for Ubuntu 16 does NOT work to add additional PBFs. It can be used to drop existing data and reload new data, but not to append data.
Before proceeding, see for limitations, etc..
Step 1: Get script from GitHub
Step 2: Make it executable:
chmod 755
Step 3 (for non-Latin alphabet):
If using a non-Latin alphabet, ucomment line 24 below if needed:
export LC_ALL=C
See AcuGIS#4
Step 4: Run the script
./ [web|ssl] [bright|carto] pbf_url
[web|ssl]: 'web' for http and 'ssl' for https.
[bright|carto]: 'carto' for openstreetmap-carto or 'bright' for openstreetmap-bright
pbf_url: Complete PBF url from GeoFabrik (or other source)
Load Delaware data with openstreetmap-carto style and no SSL:
./ web carto
Load Bulgaria data with openstreetmap-bright style and SSL:
./ bright
Load South America data with openstreetmap-carto style and SSL:
./ ssl carto
Once installation completes, navigate to the IP or hostname of your server.
You should see a page as below:
Click on both the OpenLayer and Leaflet Examples and check your installation is rendering