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Version 25

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@Dom3062 Dom3062 released this 02 Aug 13:03
· 38 commits to master since this release

Added fix: Crude Awakening: Locke is muted during valve sequence
Added fix: Players not appearing in "Recent played with" tab (Steam only)
Added fix: Fixed daily side job "Safehouse TD" not counting kills from silenced sentry guns
Added fix: Fixed daily side job "Target Practice: Sentry Practice" not counting kills from silenced sentry guns
Bug fix: Shotguns reload one shell only with Bloodthirst Ace / Aggressive Reload skill
Removed fix: Prevented the crash that happens due to custom magazines (PLAYERS) (fixed in the base game)
Removed fix: Fixed the crash with UnitNetworkHandler: nil checks of arguments in sync_enter_vehicle_host() (fixed in the base game)
Removed fix: unitnetworkhandler.lua"]:3536: attempt to index local unit (a nil value) (fixed in the base game)
Removed fix: VitHelicopterSync: 14: attempt to index local 'player' (a nil value) (fixed in the base game)
Removed fix: Fix for player equipment from custody not properly being transferred, since _player_criminals is indexed by unit key (by Offyerrocker) (fixed in the base game)
Removed fix: Counterfeit softlock fix (fixed in the base game)
Removed fix: Fixed [string 'lib/managers/preplanningmanager.lua']:223: attempt to get length of local 'mission_elements' (a nil value) (fixed in the base game)