Releases: DominoKit/domino-ui
What's Changed
Exciting New Features π
- #695 add support for reordering columns in data tables.
- #697 ability to resize columns via dnd.
- #700 ability to pin a column.
- #722 Add the ability to increase the width of the header search.
Enhancements π
- #122 add dragdrop feature to data table
- #655 Chips of TagsInput should be accessible via a getter-method
- #667 Add the ability to set a disable a Slider or set in readonly mode.
- #670 extract find code part from activateByKey.
- #687 support global button default elevation.
- #689 data table separate alignment for headers.
- #717 Focus search box when clearing the search in datatable.
- #718 Add the ability to clear the search bar manually in datatable header search bar.
- #722 Add the ability to increase the width of the header search bar in datatable.
- #664 Memory leak in DataTable init method if the table should have a fixed size.
- #665 Select dropdown menu becomes detached when enclosing Window is moved.
- #666 Odd/Unexpected Responsive Behavior with Window.
- #669 CSS Animations for tooltips/popovers/modals/windows
- #672 Window centerVertically() does not work
- #678 Tabs will not disable
- #679 Readonly TextBox getting 'disabled' too
- #693 setting window minmaxheight only changes outer div and does
- #708 Setting the defaultRequiredMessage in DominoUiConfig has no effect
- #713 In some cases ModalBackDrop is not removed
- #724 Menu always appears in the center of the screen for middle size or smaller screens.
- #714 grouping row does not fit datatable width
- #715 left & right sheet: does not fill total height.
- #716 Hidden columns not updated in show/hide header bar action
- #717 Focus search box when clearing the search in datatable
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC13...1.0.0-RC14
Domino-ui 1.0.0-RC13
What's Changed
Enhancements π
- Current RowIndex should be accessible inside CheckBox supplier #650
- Make Enter a valid input for Numberboxes #647
Bug fixes
- Label.create creates a label with white color #651
- Pressing the arrow down key on the keyboard, causes SuggestBox to throw an Exception #648
- Modal Window: Content exceeds modal window if content is scrollable #646
- for label is set to null if the label is not set using set label instead of factory/constructor #644
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC12...1.0.0-RC13
What's Changed
Exciting New Features π
- Rename tags input stores to reflect actual behavior and introduce unordered items store #645
- Add the ability to clear form fields without triggering change handlers #643
- Add option to toggle modal dialog auto focus #638
- Left Panel Fix/Unfix controlled by menu bars #637
- Small FileUpload fixes in #640
- DataTable GroupingPlugin improvements in #641
- DataTable & Grouping plugin improvements in #642
Bug fixes
- for label is set to null if the label is not set using set label instead of factory/constructor #644
- Select with grouping is broken #639
- separator on dropDownMenu is broken #635
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC11...1.0.0-RC12
What's Changed
Exciting New Features π
Enhancements π
AbstractTagsInput extracted by @salashnik in #595
Do not call menu close handlers if it not opened by @salashnik in #608
Opened dropdowns not closed when focused to tagsinput by @salashnik in #607
Add the ability to start loader with a timeout to stop the effect by @vegegoku in #615
Allow adding new values on select if the values are not exist by @rjeeb in #66
Bug fixes π
ResizeObserver polyfill by @salashnik in #609
Fix polyfill Type error message by @salashnik in #622
Fix 615. NPE in loader stop by @salashnik in #616
Fix Alert throws NullPointerException when setBackground is invoked by @rjeeb in #632
Fix layout issue: DataTable header - vertical alignment by @vegegoku in #623
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC10...1.0.0-RC11
What's Changed
Exciting New Features π
- #591 Missing TimeHeaderFilter
- #592 The card header class has unnecessary border while collapsed
- #585 Carousel Slide HTMLPictureElement support
- #532 Add "isSelected" getter in Chip
- #578 Clearing the tree search leads to a wrong expanded tree afterwards
- #590 Add the ability to define a custom BigDecimal construction from string values.
- #581 fix BigDecimalBox value getting (mantissa)
- #587 Add configuration to globaly set default collapse startegy
- #588 Use clear methods names for adding/removing/replacing domino elements css classes
Bug fixes :
- #593 Floating label does not float when field value is just spaces
- #589 TextBox field-label doesn't move upon autofilling
- #543 MultiSelect don't hide the remove icon from selected options when set read only value to true
- #549 select value not visible due to padding-right: 40px on .select-value
- #557 TextBox (ValueBox) validator is called twice
- #545 Card header not visible if create with no title using create() and then setTitle() is used
- #586 CheckBox image won't change if focused and spacebar is pressed
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC8...1.0.0-RC9
Fix regression from RC9