Releases: DominoKit/domino-ui
Releases Β· DominoKit/domino-ui
Enhancements π
- #802 LinkButton enhancements and use buttons for dialogs instead of LinkButtons.
- #804 Add the ability to set the default focus element when modal is opened.
- #806 Introduce the ability to override the ElementsFactory globally.
- #814 Hide dropdowns on 2nd click.
- #815 Allow read-only TextBox to look like a non-read-only.
- #821 Ability to register open/close listeners for side drawers(left | right).
- #824 Expose checkbox text element.
- #826 Hide dropdown when focus lost.
- #828 DateBox.closeOnBlur(true) auto closes the calendar popup when the user clicks away.
- #831 A DateBox set to readOnly shows the DatePicker.
Fixes π
- #796 ColumnFilter are not cleared when calling searchContext.clear.
- #799 ResizeColumnsPlugin in combination with SortPlugin triggers sorting when resizing a column.
- #800 SwitchButton & setReadOnly(true) color issue .
- #803 Calling clear or setValue(null) on DateBox throws a NPE.
- #807 TextAreaBox: clear() does not reset the letter counter.
- #809 FileUpload: setAutoUpload=true - the uploaded item shows an upload icon.
- #810 dui_bottom_0 is declared in two classes.
- #812 ColumnConfig: Uncaught DOMExceptions if the name of ColumnConfig contains special characters.
- #818 Setting background color for a datatable row in a plugin does not use the color variations.
- #820 Checkbox in a flex does not shrink to respect other elements flex grow.
- #823 Row is not deselected after selecting it twice using Datatable single SelectionPlugin.
- #827 HasCollapseListeners.removeCExpandListener method name typo.
- #832 Tree global selection listener not triggered when selecting TreeItems appended to the Tree root.
- #833 Bottom Elements are cut off.
Fixes π
- #796 ColumnFilter are not cleared when calling searchContext.clear.
- #799 ResizeColumnsPlugin in combination with SortPlugin triggers sorting when resizing a column.
- #801 Content of DataTable overlaps when set to noStripes and the first columns are pinned.
- #805 Dropdowns of Elements in Nav- or Topbar are in background.
- #807 TextAreaBox: clear() does not reset the letter counter.
- #811 ModalDialog Footer elements are cut off if modal-content exceeds screen height.
- #812 ColumnConfig: Uncaught DOMExceptions if the name of ColumnConfig contains special characters.
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2
What's Changed
Fixes π
- #790 Card and layout header actions not clickable with tooltip enabled
- #791 Day numbers are not centered when resizing date pickers
- #792 DataTable Header has a transparent background
- #795 Card header action can't be clicked when combined with tooltip.
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC19...1.0.0
What's Changed
Enhancements π
- #673 searchBox in DropDownMenu should have a getter.
- #736 Form inputs/ FieldsGrouping dry/silent validation.
- #773 position menus when resizing browser
Fixes π
- #674 DropdownButton click listener does not take disabled state into account.
- #772 Package 'typography' vs 'Typography' in RC18.
- #776 modal CSS class overrides box-shadow of .elevation-X styles.
- #778 Hidding buttons text span throws exception.
- #780 Disabled SelectOption not actually disabled.
- #783 wrong icon associated to a TreeItem after few successive fast clicks on it.
- #784 headerAlignRight() and headerAlignCenter() stopped working with rc18.
- #785 scroll issue when sheet/modal is open.
- #786 Tooltip not disappearing after click on target.
- #788 SwitchButton: set to readOnly does not prevent the SwitchButton from triggering change handlers.
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC18...1.0.0-RC19
What's Changed
Exciting New Features π
- #763 Implement a tree grid that support large dataset with sorting and filtering
Enhancements π
- #761 Global config for a tooltip CollapseStrategy Supplier
- #768 DataTable SortPlugin to allow configurable icons.
Fixes π
- #757 Tooltip is not removed if the element removed before mouseleave event is triggered
- #758 zindex issues with Layout
- #760 ActionItem disable() still allows clicking
- #762 Bug when enabling/disabling container components
- #764 Can't change the icon of a DropdownButton
- #765 BestSideUpDownDropDirection calculation for downSpace
- #766 Modal dialogs are not modal
- #769 Disabled MenuItem still receive events
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC17...1.0.0-RC18
What's Changed
Fixes π
- #755 Issues in z-index not being correct in some cases.
- #753 SuggestBox : loader is rendered incorrectly.
- #752 Window does not show in the center by default.
- #754 PinColumnsPlugin: Pre-pinned column scrollable before data is loaded.
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC16...1.0.0-RC17
Fixes π
- #750 Regression from 1.0.0-RC15, FileUpload & Carousel stopped working.
What's Changed
Exciting New Features π
- #740 ResizingColumnsPlugin Need ability to clip content rather than fit content.
- #733 , #738 PinColumnsPlugin configuration, ability to set the icon used.
- #727 Data table data aggregation SummaryPlugin.
- #726 Allow data table to group columns.
Enhancements π
- #691 Tree Grid for large data sets.
- #692 Implement three state DataTable sorting.
- #701 Enhance disabling datatable functionality.
- #702 Persist dataaable selection when sorting.
- #745 Add the ability to trigger search event after setting the SearchTableAction value manually.
- #747 Make has*() functions in GridLayout public.
Fixes π
- #677 PositionMouse shows the dropDownMenu in a wrong position when scrolled.
- #688 Cannot 'unfloat' field labels.
- #690 Window zIndex issues.
- #707 Menu close handler not always called.
- #729 Tooltips do not disappear as they should.
- #730 DataTable (with ResizeColumnsPlugin) does not remember column widths when loading new data.
- #731 PinColumnsPlugin causes entire DataTable to scroll (including thead).
- #732 ResizeColumnsPlugin causes header tooltips to behave weird.
- #734 Fixed DataTables headers do not align with tbody cells.
- #735 DataTable (with PinColumnsPlugin) does not remember pinned column state when loading new data.
- #737 User can pin the same column to the left and right.
- #739 ResizingColumnsPlugin: Even with a column config with a min width set, you can still resize smaller than that min-width.
- #741 Column Group Plugin with ResizingColumnPlugin you can resize a column smaller than one of the group headers. No clipping.
- #742 Disabled SearchBox is still interactive.
- #744 Inputs added to the DOM by FileUpload never removed.
Full Changelog: 1.0.0-RC14...1.0.0-RC15