Releases: ErickOF/MP6160-ImageProcessingSystem
Releases · ErickOF/MP6160-ImageProcessingSystem
Project 5 Milestone - Pre-release
What's Changed
- Adding datagen script by @ErickOF in #1
- The datagen tool add salt and pepper noise to grayscale image by @ErickOF in #3
- Adding filter module and testbench using PV model by @ErickOF in #4
- Adding LT model + PV model documentation by @ErickOF in #5
- Adding AT model for the filter module + Documentation about how to run in the different models by @ErickOF in #6
- Adding image test case for the filter testbench by @ErickOF in #7
- Integrating Unification module into dev by @ErickOF in #8
- Integrating sobel module into dev by @ErickOF in #9
- Integrating RGB2Grayscale module by @ErickOF in #10
- Compresion by @facruzso in #12
- Adding AT model for Sobel module by @ErickOF in #13
- Compresion by @facruzso in #15
- Fixing Lint violations for quality checks by @ErickOF in #16
- Adding cpp.yml by @ErickOF in #17
- Fixing gremlin in GitHub action to build the project by @ErickOF in #19
- Adding SystemC installation and tet compilation of all the modules by @ErickOF in #20
- Adding VGA, ADC, DAC modules and testbench by @ErickOF in #21
- Improving filter module code by @ErickOF in #22
- Fixing and disabling the QA checks by @ErickOF in #23
- Adding feature TLM router by @ErickOF in #24
- Adding the interface DE and TDF by @ErickOF in #26
- Adding feature Ethernet AMS by @ErickOF in #28
- Adding old code for the router module by @ErickOF in #30
- Add compilation flags to avoid debug prints by @jgavillalobos in #31
New Contributors
Full Changelog:
Project 4 Milestone
What's Changed
- Adding old code for the router module by @ErickOF in #30
- Add compilation flags to avoid debug prints by @jgavillalobos in #31
- Adding virtual prototype with all the TLM models by @jgavillalobos in #32
- Integrating Virtual Prototype by @ErickOF in #33
New Contributors
- @jgavillalobos made their first contribution in #31
Full Changelog: project3...project4
Project 3 Milestone
What's Changed
- Integrating the interface of DE and TDF by @ErickOF in #27
- Integrating the Ethernet AMS feature by @ErickOF in #29
Full Changelog: project2...project3
Project 2 Milestone
What's Changed
- Fixing gremlin in GitHub action to build the project by @ErickOF in #19
- Adding SystemC installation and tet compilation of all the modules by @ErickOF in #20
- Adding VGA, ADC, DAC modules and testbench by @ErickOF in #21
- Improving filter module code by @ErickOF in #22
- Fixing and disabling the QA checks by @ErickOF in #23
- Adding feature TLM router by @ErickOF in #24
- Project 2 integration by @ErickOF in #25
Full Changelog: project1...project2
Project 1 Milestone
What's Changed
- Adding datagen script by @ErickOF in #1
- The datagen tool add salt and pepper noise to grayscale image by @ErickOF in #3
- Adding filter module and testbench using PV model by @ErickOF in #4
- Adding LT model + PV model documentation by @ErickOF in #5
- Adding AT model for the filter module + Documentation about how to run in the different models by @ErickOF in #6
- Adding image test case for the filter testbench by @ErickOF in #7
- Integrating Unification module into dev by @ErickOF in #8
- Integrating sobel module into dev by @ErickOF in #9
- Integrating RGB2Grayscale module by @ErickOF in #10
- Compresion by @facruzso in #12
- Adding AT model for Sobel module by @ErickOF in #13
- Compresion by @facruzso in #15
- Releasing the version 1 of the project by @ErickOF in #11
- Fixing Lint violations for quality checks by @ErickOF in #16
- Adding cpp.yml by @ErickOF in #17
- Adding quality checks by @ErickOF in #18
New Contributors
Full Changelog: