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Ben Elan edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Internationalization (i18n)

Typically, components allow users to supply text values via slots and attributes, but there are cases where components need to take additional steps to support internationalization.


Formatting of values, such as numbers and dates, for display should use the Intl APIs.


To add right-to-left (RTL) support to your components you should use CSS Logical properties within CSS. If you need to know direction in JavaScript, use the internal getElementDir helper in the dom utility.

Some CSS properties do not have logical equivalents. Such as...

  • box-shadow
  • text-shadow
  • transform
  • background-position

For these properties, you should use the internal getElementDir helper to apply the CSS_UTILITY.rtl class to your component.

Translation (t9n)

Previously, components provided Intl properties (intl<Prop>) to allow users to pass string translations. While this is still supported for backwards compatibility, our components also have translations built-in.

The following section covers how to add built-in translation support to components.

T9nComponent pattern

This pattern enables components to support built-in translations. In order to support this, a component must:

  1. Add the following translation bundles as component assets under a t9n folder (please refer to for additional info on assets)
    1. messages.json – main bundle
    2. messages_en.json – locale-specific bundle (kept in sync with main one via scripts)
  2. Implement the T9nComponent interface
    1. The onMessagesChange method must be empty as it is wired up by the support utils.
    2. The onMessagesChange method must also be configured to watch the messageOverrides property.
  3. Use the setUpMessages util in the component's componentWillLoad lifecycle methods. This must be awaited on to have an initial set of strings available before rendering.
  4. Use the connectMessages/disconnectMessages utils in the component's connectedCallback/disconnectedCallback lifecycle methods. This will set up and tear down supporting methods on the component.
  5. Add an appropriate E2E test by using the t9n common test helper.
  6. Composite components need to forward message overrides props to supporting t9n components.
    1. If the parent supports translations:
      1. Add the messageOverrides property (its type should be the union of the parent and supporting component messages types).
      2. Pass the messageOverrides into supporting components in the render method.
    2. If the parent does not support translations:
      1. Add the messageOverrides property (its type should be the union of supporting component messages types).
      2. Pass the messageOverrides into supporting components in the render method.
  7. Internal components that support public t9n components
    1. Do not have to implement the T9nComponent interface
    2. Should use an internal, immutable, messages property (its type should correspond to the parent component's messages type)


  • This pattern depends on LocalizedComponent being implemented.
  • connectLocalized (from LocalizedComponent) must be called before connectMessages.
  • You can also look at the interface and util documentation for additional info.
  • The internal messages property should be used as the source of truth for translations in rendering.
  • List of supported locales can be found on our Localization support page.
  • Placeholders in message bundle strings should:
    • Use the following syntax: {placeholder} (e.g., Hello {userName}, my old friend. 👋).
    • Have an expressive name to provide context regarding its use.

Translated strings

Note ⚠️: this pattern is deprecated and should no longer be followed for future components!

In the future it will likely become necessary to provide string translations for components. An example would be the aria-label for the <calcite-modal> close button. Initial research looks promising and we could likely implement one of these approaches and set a lang for each component.

Until we implement a lang facility and set up translations for all components, we have been allowing a small number of strings to be passed in as properties. Properties that represent translated strings should have the syntax: text-label-x, where x is the name for the string. For example, when providing a string from "Close", use the property name text-label-close. In the component, these properties should default to their English equivalent (this is useful for non-localized apps):

@Prop() textLabelClose: string = 'Close';