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JC Franco edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 5 revisions

tags: [tips, tricks, dev]


  1. For speedier CI test troubleshooting, you can use the exclude prop under the test object in vite.config.ts to only run a specific suite.

    test: {
      exclude: ["(/__tests__/.*|(\\.|/)modal.e2e)\\.[jt]sx?$"]

    Just remember to remove it at some point before merging. 😅

  2. You can use Chromatic builds + online code editors (e.g., CodePen) for extra testing without having to update storybook stories or publish to NPM. Example: This is no longer possible with the latest Storybook + Vite build

  3. To be able to use npm link our packages with vite builds, make sure to add the following to vite.config.ts:

    optimizeDeps: {
      exclude: ["@esri/calcite-components"]
