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Geremia Taglialatela edited this page Sep 26, 2018 · 90 revisions


Some icons don't show up

Please make sure that:

  1. You don't have an old version of Font Awesome installed on your system (it may have priority) and you didn't restart your machine;
  2. If you are serving Font Awesome from your own server: font-awesome.js (if using SVG) or both font-awesome.css and /fonts folder (if using CSS) are up to date;
  3. If you are serving Font Awesome from the CDN: Font Awesome's link to CDN is up to date (ref: #1490);
  4. You are using valid HTML5 templates (check the W3C Markup Validator);
  5. You are not using plugins/extensions which are loading older/modified versions of Font Awesome (ref: #1546);
  6. You are not using any JavaScript or CSS libraries that reset/change/override css properties on the icon tags;
  7. Your browser's extensions are not blocking webfonts or javascript (noscript, adblockplus, etc.);
  8. [CSS Only] Your browser's development console shows that you are loading the proper font files;
  9. [CSS Only] Your operating system is not blocking webfonts (Microsoft Group Policy).

I'm developing my web app locally (file://) and icons from CDN don't show up

Please check that you are not using protocol relative urls. In that case, you should add https: in front of the CDN link.

I'm hosting fonts on my server and icons don't show up

Check the following:

  1. You properly configured server's MIME types (Ref: #5559);
  2. You properly configured Cross-origin Resource Sharing (CORS);
  3. For Internet Explorer: you don't serve files with no-store option in Cache-control header (Ref: #6454);
  4. For Internet Explorer and HTTPS: you don't serve files with no-cache option in Pragma header;
  5. For Internet Explorer: try to get rid of the query strings inside the @font-face definitions. You need a custom css file (Ref: #3286).

I'm using custom css classes with Font Awesome 5 and solid icons don't show up

Please add font-weight: 900 to your custom css class

Ref: #11946

Some brand icons are missing

You (or your customers) are probably using Adblock Plus. If the "Remove Social Media Buttons" option is enabled, you will miss some brand icons.

Ref: #1799 for more information.

Firefox on iOS caveats

Please check that under "Tracking Protection settings" you did not set the block list to 'Strict' instead of 'Basic'. Apparently, this also blocks web fonts (or certain file extensions?), even if they're hosted at the local website.

Ref: #11766 for more information.

Internet Explorer Compatibility Mode

This feature will cause some random issues with IE, so please disable it by adding the meta tag as the FIRST tag in your <head>:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

Refs: #4144 and stackoverflow

Internet Explorer 11 doesn't show icons

Please try to reset your browser settings (Tools >> Internet Options >> Advanced Tab)

Ref: #8825 for more information.

Please make sure that your antivirus is not blocking fontdrvhost.exe

Ref: #8472 for more information.

Internet Explorer 8 caveats

If you are using IE8, it's necessary to add the html5.js script like:

<!--[if lt IE 9]>
  <script src=""></script>

Note that you may still have random issues with this browser.

Refs: #954, workaround available at #954-comment

Need a blank/empty icon

Icons do not have the same width by design choice, so a blank icon is pretty useless. You should use fa-fw if you need a placeholder. If you perform database validation, allow the blank value.

Please take a look at this fiddle:

Ref: #1606


According to your Font Awesome version, please add this to your stylesheets:

.reveal .fa {
  font-family: 'FontAwesome';
  font-style: normal;

Ref: #2131


FontAwesome is not compatible with ie7-js.

(more info on #2171)

Stack icons inside Wordpress posts

Wordpress automatically adds a <br> tag at the end of the line and this will break icon stacks. Please put your html in one line or add this to your stylesheet:

.fa-stack br { display: none }

(more info on #4212)

Get TTF/OTF fonts working in IE9+

Note that this issue should be fixed in 4.6.0

While some browsers support the TTF/OTF formats as webfonts, Internet Explorer generates an error unless the font is set to Installable Embedding mode. This behavior is reproduced when neither .woff nor .eot variants are served to IE.

This can be remedied by setting the fsType flag in the font file to 0000, representing Installable Embedding mode, using one of the following utilities:

Using the ttembed-js npm module
npm install -g ttembed-js
ttembed-js path/to/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
ttembed-js path/to/FontAwesome.otf
or, within node.js:
var callback = function(error, oldFsType) {
    if (error) {
        console.error('Something went wrong.', error);
    if (oldFsType === '0000') {
        console.log('fsType is already 0000; no action taken.');
    } else {
        console.log('fsType successfully changed from ' + oldFsType + ' to 0000.');
var ttembed = require('ttembed-js');
ttembed({filename: './path/to/fontawesome-webfont.ttf'}, callback);
ttembed({filename: './path/to/FontAwesome.otf'}, callback);
Using the original ttembed
git clone
cd ttembed
./ttembed path/to/fontawesome-webfont.ttf path/to/FontAwesome.otf

Ref: #2517

Fonts not showing up in Apple Pages for Mac

For some reason, it does show up in the Format --> Font --> Show Fonts menu:

Ref: #7056

Adobe Flash Builder

Just include this in your css:

@font-face {
	fontFamily: 			FontAwesome;
	embed-as-cff:			true;
	src: 					url("/assets/font/font-awesome-4.0.3/fonts/FontAwesome.otf");
	fontStyle: 				normal;
@font-face {
	fontFamily: 			FontAwesomeNonCff;
	embed-as-cff:			false;
	src: 					url("/assets/font/font-awesome-4.0.3/fonts/FontAwesome.otf");
	fontStyle: 				normal;

And add the contents of FontAwesome in your assets folder (or somewhere else).

Then use this syntax to show icons as a label:

<s:Label id="icon" text="&#xf011;" color="#000000" fontFamily="FontAwesome"/>

Use the link to find the right code for your icon (or write a function to nick-name it).

Ref: #1154

Fonts not showing up in Phonegap application (iOs)

In Xcode select the main project file in the sidebar (at the top, blue icon) and for each item under "TARGETS" go to the "Info" tab.

Under there you should find a "Fonts provided by application" key. If it's not there it needs to be added by control-clicking (or "right-clicking") any of the existing keys and selecting "Add row". In the drop down find "Fonts provided by application" and use that. It should have the "Array" type by default, if it does not, add it.

Expand the key by clicking the arrow to the left of it.

Under you should at least see an "Item 0" key. If it doesn't have a value, double-click its "value" field and enter the name of your first font.

For every additional font you can click the "+" button next to any of the items (visible when the item is selected) to add a new row.

You also need to be sure that the font files are in your project's "Resources" folder. I believe support is limited to .otf and .ttf.

Fonts not showing up in Phonegap application (Android and Windows Phone)

Try to remove all occurrences of ?v=4.x.y from the @font-face property in the font-awesome.css file.

Ref: #3632

.fa-ul problem

If a general css specified list-style-image that this image is superimposed on the marker. I propose to add to the definition .fa-ul property list-style-image: none.

Fonts not rendering properly running Windows 10

Windows 10 can be configured via its registry to block untrusted fonts.

Ref: Turn on and use the Blocking Untrusted Fonts feature

bower.json not including css file in main

Sorry, we are following bower's specs

Ref: #6227, twbs/bootstrap#16663

Please use overrides if you need css and fonts files:

  "overrides": {
    "font-awesome": {
      "main": [