Release v2.8.0
This release improves support for BEDPE and arc rendering of structural variants.
It also adds a new CLI command called jbrowse sort-gff
that intends to help simplify the loading of GFF tabix tracks.
jbrowse sort-gff yourfile.gff | bgzip > yourfile.sorted.gff.gz
tabix yourfile.sorted.gff.gz
jbrowse add-track yourfile.sorted.gff.gz --load copy --out /var/www/html/jbrowse2
The jbrowse CLI tool can load BEDPE files with simply jbrowse add-track yourfile.bedpe
(or, optionally gzipped e.g. yourfile.bedpe.gz)
Screenshot showing the same data rendered as both a BEDPE file and VCF file with different variant types (<DUP>, <DEL>, <INV>, <TRA>
). Notably, this arc rendering can render 'cross-region' or 'inter-chromosomal' arcs.
Also, if you haven't seen it, check out our new office hours and community call schedule! See
🚀 Enhancement
- Other
- #4045 Create multi-region arc display type for variant tracks (@cmdcolin)
- #4050 Allow specifying alternative config.json path via global variable (@cmdcolin)
- #4046 Show last autosave on jbrowse-web start screen (@cmdcolin)
- #4044 Speed up "multi-region" navigation in search box (@cmdcolin)
- #4032 Add
jbrowse sort-gff
subcommand (@cmdcolin)
- #4024 Add right-handed arrow to view title to emphasize the focused view (@carolinebridge-oicr)
🐛 Bug Fix
- #4052 Fix browser back button behavior in jbrowse-web (@cmdcolin)
- #4043 Fix crash in "Open session" widget for sessions that have 'track-less views' (@cmdcolin)
📝 Documentation
Committers: 2
- Caroline Bridge (@carolinebridge-oicr)
- Colin Diesh (@cmdcolin) Done in 2.23s.