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mergify[bot] authored May 11, 2021
2 parents 79f3931 + 2d92f2a commit aeeb588
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Showing 23 changed files with 170 additions and 120 deletions.
37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Cryptol.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1408,27 +1408,34 @@ proveEq sc env t1 t2
aEq <- proveEq sc env a1 a2
bEq <- proveEq sc env b1 b2
scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.fun_cong" [a1', a2', b1', b2', aEq, bEq]
(C.tIsTuple -> Just (a1 : ts1), C.tIsTuple -> Just (a2 : ts2))
| length ts1 == length ts2 ->
do let b1 = C.tTuple ts1
b2 = C.tTuple ts2
a1' <- importType sc env a1
a2' <- importType sc env a2
b1' <- importType sc env b1
b2' <- importType sc env b2
aEq <- proveEq sc env a1 a2
bEq <- proveEq sc env b1 b2
if b1 == b2
then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong1" [a1', a2', b1', aEq]
else if a1 == a2
then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong2" [a1', b1', b2', bEq]
else scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong" [a1', a2', b1', b2', aEq, bEq]
(tIsPair -> Just (a1, b1), tIsPair -> Just (a2, b2)) ->
do a1' <- importType sc env a1
a2' <- importType sc env a2
b1' <- importType sc env b1
b2' <- importType sc env b2
aEq <- proveEq sc env a1 a2
bEq <- proveEq sc env b1 b2
if b1 == b2
then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong1" [a1', a2', b1', aEq]
else if a1 == a2
then scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong2" [a1', b1', b2', bEq]
else scGlobalApply sc "Cryptol.pair_cong" [a1', a2', b1', b2', aEq, bEq]
(C.tIsRec -> Just tm1, C.tIsRec -> Just tm2)
| map fst (C.canonicalFields tm1) == map fst (C.canonicalFields tm2) ->
proveEq sc env (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm1))) (C.tTuple (map snd (C.canonicalFields tm2)))
(_, _) ->
panic "proveEq" ["Internal type error:", pretty t1, pretty t2]

-- | Deconstruct a cryptol tuple type as a pair according to the
-- saw-core tuple type encoding.
tIsPair :: C.Type -> Maybe (C.Type, C.Type)
tIsPair t =
do ts <- C.tIsTuple t
case ts of
[] -> Nothing
[t1, t2] -> Just (t1, t2)
t1 : ts' -> Just (t1, C.tTuple ts')

-- List comprehensions

Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cryptol-saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/TypedTerm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Verifier.SAW.TypedTerm where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Text (Text)

import Cryptol.ModuleSystem.Name (nameIdent)
import qualified Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST as C
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ applyTypedTerms :: SharedContext -> TypedTerm -> [TypedTerm] -> IO TypedTerm
applyTypedTerms sc = foldM (applyTypedTerm sc)

-- | Create an abstract defined constant with the specified name and body.
defineTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> String -> TypedTerm -> IO TypedTerm
defineTypedTerm :: SharedContext -> Text -> TypedTerm -> IO TypedTerm
defineTypedTerm sc name (TypedTerm schema t) =
do ty <- scTypeOf sc t
TypedTerm schema <$> scConstant sc name t ty
Expand Down
56 changes: 36 additions & 20 deletions saw-core-sbv/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/SBV.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -635,10 +635,11 @@ sbvSATQuery sc addlPrims query =
t <- liftIO (foldM (scAnd sc) true (satAsserts query))
let qvars = Map.toList (satVariables query)
let unintSet = satUninterp query
let ecVars (ec, fot) = newVars (Text.unpack (toShortName (ecName ec))) fot

(labels, vars) <-
flip evalStateT 0 $ unzip <$>
mapM (newVars . snd) qvars
mapM ecVars qvars

m <- liftIO (scGetModuleMap sc)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -667,35 +668,48 @@ data Labeler
= BoolLabel String
| IntegerLabel String
| WordLabel String
| ZeroWidthWordLabel
| VecLabel (Vector Labeler)
| TupleLabel (Vector Labeler)
| RecLabel (Map FieldName Labeler)
deriving (Show)

nextId :: StateT Int IO String
nextId = ST.get >>= (\s-> modify (+1) >> return ("x" ++ show s))
nextId = ST.get >>= (\s -> modify (+1) >> return ("x" ++ show s))

nextId' :: String -> StateT Int IO String
nextId' nm = nextId <&> \s -> s ++ "_" ++ nm

unzipMap :: Map k (a, b) -> (Map k a, Map k b)
unzipMap m = (fmap fst m, fmap snd m)

newVars :: FirstOrderType -> StateT Int IO (Labeler, Symbolic SValue)
newVars FOTBit = nextId <&> \s-> (BoolLabel s, vBool <$> existsSBool s)
newVars FOTInt = nextId <&> \s-> (IntegerLabel s, vInteger <$> existsSInteger s)
newVars (FOTIntMod n) = nextId <&> \s-> (IntegerLabel s, VIntMod n <$> existsSInteger s)
newVars (FOTVec n FOTBit) =
if n == 0
then nextId <&> \s-> (WordLabel s, return (vWord (literalSWord 0 0)))
else nextId <&> \s-> (WordLabel s, vWord <$> existsSWord s (fromIntegral n))
newVars (FOTVec n tp) = do
(labels, vals) <- V.unzip <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newVars tp)
return (VecLabel labels, VVector <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)
newVars (FOTArray{}) = fail "FOTArray unimplemented for backend"
newVars (FOTTuple ts) = do
(labels, vals) <- V.unzip <$> traverse newVars (V.fromList ts)
return (TupleLabel labels, vTuple <$> traverse (fmap ready) (V.toList vals))
newVars (FOTRec tm) = do
(labels, vals) <- unzipMap <$> (traverse newVars tm :: StateT Int IO (Map FieldName (Labeler, Symbolic SValue)))
return (RecLabel labels, vRecord <$> traverse (fmap ready) (vals :: (Map FieldName (Symbolic SValue))))
newVars :: String -> FirstOrderType -> StateT Int IO (Labeler, Symbolic SValue)
newVars nm fot =
case fot of
FOTBit ->
nextId' nm <&> \s -> (BoolLabel s, vBool <$> existsSBool s)
FOTInt ->
nextId' nm <&> \s -> (IntegerLabel s, vInteger <$> existsSInteger s)
FOTIntMod n ->
nextId' nm <&> \s -> (IntegerLabel s, VIntMod n <$> existsSInteger s)
FOTVec 0 FOTBit ->
pure (ZeroWidthWordLabel, pure (vWord (literalSWord 0 0)))
FOTVec n FOTBit ->
nextId' nm <&> \s -> (WordLabel s, vWord <$> existsSWord s (fromIntegral n))
FOTVec n tp ->
do let f i = newVars (nm ++ "." ++ show i) tp
(labels, vals) <- V.unzip <$> V.generateM (fromIntegral n) f
pure (VecLabel labels, VVector <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)
FOTArray{} ->
fail "FOTArray unimplemented for backend"
FOTTuple ts ->
do let f i t = newVars (nm ++ "." ++ show i) t
(labels, vals) <- V.unzip <$> V.imapM f (V.fromList ts)
pure (TupleLabel labels, vTuple <$> traverse (fmap ready) (V.toList vals))
FOTRec tm ->
do let f k t = newVars (nm ++ "." ++ Text.unpack k) t
(labels, vals) <- unzipMap <$> (Map.traverseWithKey f tm)
pure (RecLabel labels, vRecord <$> traverse (fmap ready) vals)

getLabels ::
Expand All @@ -718,6 +732,8 @@ getLabels ls d args
getLabel (WordLabel s) = FOVWord (cvKind cv) (cvToInteger cv)
where cv = d Map.! s

getLabel ZeroWidthWordLabel = FOVWord 0 0

getLabel (VecLabel ns)
| V.null ns = error "getLabel of empty vector"
| otherwise = fovVec t vs
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1193,6 +1193,9 @@ parseUninterpretedSAW sym st sc ref trm app ty =
-> VInt <$> mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm app BaseIntegerRepr

VIntModType n
-> VIntMod n <$> mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref (ArgTermFromIntMod n trm) app BaseIntegerRepr

-- 0 width bitvector is a constant
VVecType 0 VBoolType
-> return $ VWord ZBV
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1247,6 +1250,8 @@ mkUninterpretedSAW sym st ref trm (UnintApp nm args tys) ret =
data ArgTerm
= ArgTermVar
| ArgTermBVZero -- ^ scBvNat 0 0
| ArgTermToIntMod Natural ArgTerm -- ^ toIntMod n x
| ArgTermFromIntMod Natural ArgTerm -- ^ fromIntMod n x
| ArgTermVector Term [ArgTerm] -- ^ element type, elements
| ArgTermUnit
| ArgTermPair ArgTerm ArgTerm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,6 +1283,16 @@ reconstructArgTerm atrm sc ts =
do z <- scNat sc 0
x <- scBvNat sc z z
return (x, ts0)
ArgTermToIntMod n at1 ->
do n' <- scNat sc n
(x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
x <- scToIntMod sc n' x1
pure (x, ts1)
ArgTermFromIntMod n at1 ->
do n' <- scNat sc n
(x1, ts1) <- parse at1 ts0
x <- scFromIntMod sc n' x1
pure (x, ts1)
ArgTermVector ty ats ->
do (xs, ts1) <- parseList ats ts0
x <- scVector sc ty xs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1336,6 +1351,7 @@ mkArgTerm sc ty val =
(_, VWord ZBV) -> return ArgTermBVZero -- 0-width bitvector is a constant
(_, VWord (DBV _)) -> return ArgTermVar
(VUnitType, VUnit) -> return ArgTermUnit
(VIntModType n, VIntMod _ _) -> pure (ArgTermToIntMod n ArgTermVar)

(VVecType _ ety, VVector vv) ->
do vs <- traverse force (V.toList vv)
Expand All @@ -1359,6 +1375,10 @@ mkArgTerm sc ty val =
x <- scCtorApp sc i xs
return (ArgTermConst x)

(_, TValue tval) ->
do x <- termOfTValue sc tval
pure (ArgTermConst x)

_ -> fail $ "could not create uninterpreted function argument of type " ++ show ty

termOfTValue :: SharedContext -> TValue (What4 sym) -> IO Term
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/ReturnTrip.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Data.Ratio
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Word(Word64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import What4.BaseTypes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ baseSCType sym sc bt =

-- | Create a new symbolic variable.
sawCreateVar :: SAWCoreState n
-> String -- ^ the name of the variable
-> Text -- ^ the name of the variable
-> SC.Term
-> IO SC.Term
sawCreateVar st nm tp = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ evaluateExpr sym st sc cache = f []
B.UninterpVarKind -> do
tp <- baseSCType sym sc (B.bvarType bv)
SAWExpr <$> sawCreateVar st nm tp
where nm = Text.unpack $ solverSymbolAsText $ B.bvarName bv
where nm = solverSymbolAsText $ B.bvarName bv
B.LatchVarKind ->
unsupported sym "SAW backend does not support latch variables"
B.QuantifierVarKind -> do
Expand Down
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Constant.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ Portability : non-portable (language extensions)

module Verifier.SAW.Constant (scConst) where

import Data.Text (Text)

import Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
import Verifier.SAW.Rewriter
import Verifier.SAW.Conversion

scConst :: SharedContext -> String -> Term -> IO Term
scConst :: SharedContext -> Text -> Term -> IO Term
scConst sc name t = do
ty <- scTypeOf sc t
ty' <- rewriteSharedTerm sc (addConvs natConversions emptySimpset) ty
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/Rewriter.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Numeric.Natural

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ scMatch sc pat term =
let fvy = looseVars y `intersectBitSets` (completeBitSet depth)
guard (fvy `unionBitSets` fvj == fvj)
let fixVar t (nm, ty) =
do v <- scFreshGlobal sc (Text.unpack nm) ty
do v <- scFreshGlobal sc nm ty
let Just ec = R.asExtCns v
t' <- instantiateVar sc 0 v t
return (t', ec)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -882,7 +881,7 @@ doHoistIfs sc ss hoistCache itePat = go
goF _ (Pi nm tp body) = goBinder scPi nm tp body

goBinder close nm tp body = do
(ec, body') <- scOpenTerm sc (Text.unpack nm) tp 0 body
(ec, body') <- scOpenTerm sc nm tp 0 body
(body'', conds) <- go body'
let (stuck, float) = List.partition (\(_,ecs) -> Set.member ec ecs) conds

Expand Down
32 changes: 19 additions & 13 deletions saw-core/src/Verifier/SAW/SharedTerm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ module Verifier.SAW.SharedTerm
-- *** IntMod
, scIntModType
, scToIntMod
, scFromIntMod
-- *** Vectors
, scAppend
, scJoin
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,17 +393,16 @@ scShowTerm sc opts t =
pure (showTermWithNames opts env t)

-- | Create a global variable with the given identifier (which may be "_") and type.
scFreshEC :: SharedContext -> String -> a -> IO (ExtCns a)
scFreshEC sc x tp = do
i <- scFreshGlobalVar sc
let x' = Text.pack x
let uri = scFreshNameURI x' i
let nmi = ImportedName uri [x',Text.pack (x <> "#" <> show i)]
scRegisterName sc i nmi
pure (EC i nmi tp)
scFreshEC :: SharedContext -> Text -> a -> IO (ExtCns a)
scFreshEC sc x tp =
do i <- scFreshGlobalVar sc
let uri = scFreshNameURI x i
let nmi = ImportedName uri [x, x <> "#" <> Text.pack (show i)]
scRegisterName sc i nmi
pure (EC i nmi tp)

-- | Create a global variable with the given identifier (which may be "_") and type.
scFreshGlobal :: SharedContext -> String -> Term -> IO Term
scFreshGlobal :: SharedContext -> Text -> Term -> IO Term
scFreshGlobal sc x tp = scExtCns sc =<< scFreshEC sc x tp

-- | Returns shared term associated with ident.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ scSort sc s = scFlatTermF sc (Sort s)
scNat :: SharedContext -> Natural -> IO Term
scNat sc n = scFlatTermF sc (NatLit n)

-- | Create a literal term (of saw-core type @String@) from a 'String'.
-- | Create a literal term (of saw-core type @String@) from a 'Text'.
scString :: SharedContext -> Text -> IO Term
scString sc s = scFlatTermF sc (StringLit s)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ scFunAll :: SharedContext
-> IO Term
scFunAll sc argTypes resultType = foldrM (scFun sc) resultType argTypes

-- | Create a lambda term from a parameter name (as a 'String'), parameter type
-- | Create a lambda term from a parameter name (as a 'LocalName'), parameter type
-- (as a 'Term'), and a body. Regarding deBruijn indices, in the body of the
-- function, an index of 0 refers to the bound parameter.
scLambda :: SharedContext
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ scLocalVar sc i = scTermF sc (LocalVar i)
-- indices. If the body contains any ExtCns variables, they will be
-- abstracted over and reapplied to the resulting constant.
scConstant :: SharedContext
-> String -- ^ The name
-> Text -- ^ The name
-> Term -- ^ The body
-> Term -- ^ The type
-> IO Term
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1830,6 +1830,12 @@ scIntModType sc n = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.IntMod" [n]
scToIntMod :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
scToIntMod sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.toIntMod" [n, x]

-- | Convert an integer mod n to an integer.
-- > fromIntMod : (n : Nat) -> IntMod n -> Integer;
scFromIntMod :: SharedContext -> Term -> Term -> IO Term
scFromIntMod sc n x = scGlobalApply sc "Prelude.fromIntMod" [n, x]

-- Primitive operations on bitvectors

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2337,7 +2343,7 @@ scTreeSize = fst . go (0, Map.empty)
-- | `openTerm sc nm ty i body` replaces the loose deBruijn variable `i`
-- with a fresh external constant (with name `nm`, and type `ty`) in `body`.
scOpenTerm :: SharedContext
-> String
-> Text
-> Term
-> DeBruijnIndex
-> Term
Expand Down

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