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Release Workflow

Ing. Thomas Herzog M.Sc edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 10 revisions

Start a release

  1. Create a release branch like release/1.0

    This is the release branch where we commit fixes occurring during acceptance testing.

  2. Build and Deploy

    Ensure the branch is built an deploy the application to the staging environment

  3. Define the new next version in the pom.xml on the main branch

    From now we work on the main branch for the next release

Fix on release branch

  1. Create branch fix/*

    This type of branch is similar to the feature/* branches. Here you commit your fix

  2. Create a Merge/Pull Request

    It will be reviewed and merged by a maintainer to the release/* branch the fix is for

  3. Delete the branch

    Don't leave garbage behind

Finish a release

  1. Merge

    Merge the release branch to develop and master branch

  2. Tag

    Create a tag of the commit we want to release and name it like v1.0. The version is part of the release branch name.

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