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Brian Rivas edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 12 revisions

This page is for info about the build environment configuration, specifically Gradle and Eclipse details.

Clone to desktop

There's documentation for how to clone to desktop here.

So far i've been using the git shell over https. so I type:

git clone

You'll wind up with a directory called "minecraft-roguelike" in your current working directory at this point.

Gradle setup

Open a command window in the minecraft-roguelike directory

type gradlew setupDecompWorkspace eclipse

Import project

  1. Run eclipse, and switch to your workspace (the directory containing minecraft-roguelike)
  2. file -> import...
  3. general / existing projects into workspace
  4. browse to the minecraft-roguelike directory and hit OK
  5. Hit finish

You should now see minecraft-roguelike in your package explorer

Run Configurations

  1. Run -> Run Configurations...
  2. Click minecraft-roguelike_Client
  3. Click "Run"

The "run" button will now do this by default.


Open a command window in minecraft-roguelike and type:

gradlew build

The mod jar file should be in build/libs

External Links

[TUTORIAL] Getting Started with ForgeGradle

Lex's Video regarding gradle

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