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(This is the official GitHub repository for the KDD 2025 paper: Mixing Time Matters: Accelerating Effective Resistance Estimation via Bidirectional Method.)

Welcome to the official BiSPER documentation. This guide provides a comprehensive walkthrough to replicate our experiments, covering everything from dataset preparation and code compilation to running experiments and plotting results.

Environment Setup


  • Tools: gcc (version 7.5 or newer), Python 3.x, Eigen 3.4

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. Install the necessary Python packages using the command below:

    pip install numpy scipy pandas matplotlib seaborn networkx

Dataset Preparation

Preparing Datasets

Note: To save time, it is recommended to proceed directly to step 3.

  1. Original Real-World Datasets: Obtain these from the SNAP dataset page. The initial run of our code will preprocess these datasets, generating files named <dataset_name>-compressed_sorted.bin.

  2. Generated Synthetic Datasets: Create Erdos-Renyi random graphs by executing This process generates an edge list file named synthetic.txt.

  3. Preprocessed Datasets: For convenience, you can directly download our preprocessed datasets (in adjacency list and binary formats) from this link.

Ensure all datasets are placed in the BiSPER/datasets directory.

Credit: Original datasets are courtesy of SNAP.

Calculating Lambda Values (Optional)

Pre-calculated lambda values are found in BiSPER/datasets/<dataset_name>.lambda. To recalculate:

  • Ensure the existence of <dataset_name>-compressed_sorted.bin (refer to Dataset Preparation).
  • Execute python <dataset_name> from the BiSPER root directory. The lambda value will be recalculated and saved to BiSPER/datasets/<dataset_name>.lambda.


Navigate to the BiSPER/ directory and compile the code with the following commands:

cd src
g++ -std=c++14 -O3 *.cpp -o SPER -lstdc++fs -pthread
mv SPER ..
cd ..

Credit: Code for Eigen 3.4 is taken from the official website of the Eigen library, code for AMC / GEER algorithms are from their official GitHub page, code for Bipush / Push / AbWalk algorithms are from their official GitHub page, and code for Bipush-vl / Push-vl / RW-vl algorithms are from their official GitHub page.

Running Experiments

Reproducing Our Experiments

Follow these steps to replicate our experiments:

  1. Grant execution permissions to the shell scripts:

    chmod +x *.sh
  2. Execute a specific experiment script:

    Note: Experiment 0 stands for the $L_{\max}$ truncated value v.s. $L_{\max}$ experiment in Table 2.


Custom Experiments with SPER

You can utilize the compiled SPER executable for custom experiments. The usage syntax is:

    [--dataset <dataset_name>] 
    [--algorithm <algorithm_name>] 
    [--num_query <num_query>] 
    [--L_max <L_max>] 
    [--eps <eps>] 
    [--p_f <p_f>]
    [--num_landmarks <num_landmarks>]
    [--num_samples <num_samples>] 
    [--r_max <r_max>]

Argument Details

Below are detailed explanations of the arguments that can be used with the program:

  • --dataset: Specifies the dataset to be used. The program initially attempts to locate the compressed and sorted binary file at BiSPER/datasets/<dataset_name>-compressed_sorted.bin. If this file cannot be found, it then searches for a text file at BiSPER/datasets/<dataset_name>.txt. Should both files be unavailable, the program will raise an exception. The default dataset is Facebook.

  • --algorithm: Determines the algorithm to be employed. Currently supported algorithms include: BiSPER, AMC, GEER, Bipush, and Push. The default algorithm is BiSPER.

  • --num_query: Sets the number of query pairs to generate. Both the pre-sampled queries and their corresponding ground-truth values are stored in the BiSPER/samples/ directory. The default number is 100.

  • --L_max: Defines the maximum number of steps, denoted as $L_{\max}$. Users can input an integer or specify auto, which calculates $L_{\max}$ based on lambda and epsilon values. This argument is applicable only to the BiSPER, AMC, and GEER algorithms. The default value is 100.

  • --eps: Sets the desired absolute error guarantee, $\epsilon$. This parameter is relevant only for the BiSPER, AMC, and GEER algorithms. The default value is 1e-2.

  • --num_landmarks: Indicates the number of landmark nodes in the Bipush-vl, Push-vl, and RW-vl algorithms. The default value is 100.

  • --num_samples: Indicates the number of random walks to sample in the Bipush algorithm. The default value is 10,000.

  • --r_max: Specifies the push threshold for both the Bipush and Push algorithms. The default value is 1e-4.

Results are stored in BiSPER/results/ as .out files for any text editor access.

Plotting Line Charts (Optional)

To recreate the line charts in experiments from our papers, execute the following command within the BiSPER/results/ directory:


This generates and saves PGF files for visualizations.


Code for BiSPER.







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