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[display] find references in one call to statistcs
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RealyUniqueName committed Jun 18, 2020
1 parent b7c9dc4 commit 5152a89
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Showing 3 changed files with 31 additions and 29 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/compiler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ let process_global_display_mode com tctx =
| DMDiagnostics _ -> com
| DMStatistics ->
let stats = Statistics.collect_statistics tctx (SFFile (DisplayPosition.display_position#get).pfile) true in
let stats = Statistics.collect_statistics tctx [SFFile (DisplayPosition.display_position#get).pfile] true in
raise_statistics (Statistics.Printer.print_statistics stats)
| DMModuleSymbols (Some "") -> ()
| DMModuleSymbols filter ->
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21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions src/context/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ let find_possible_references tctx cs =
let name,_,kind = Display.ReferencePosition.get () in
ignore(SyntaxExplorer.explore_uncached_modules tctx cs [name,kind])

let find_references tctx com with_definition name pos kind =
let find_references tctx com with_definition pos_filters =
let t = Timer.timer ["display";"references";"collect"] in
let symbols,relations = Statistics.collect_statistics tctx (SFPos pos) true in
let symbols,relations = Statistics.collect_statistics tctx pos_filters true in
let rec loop acc relations = match relations with
| (Statistics.Referenced,p) :: relations -> loop (p :: acc) relations
let rec loop acc (relations:(Statistics.relation * pos) list) = match relations with
| (Statistics.Referenced,p) :: relations when not (List.mem p acc) -> loop (p :: acc) relations
| _ :: relations -> loop acc relations
| [] -> acc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,14 +95,13 @@ let collect_reference_positions com =

let find_references tctx com with_definition =
let usages =
List.fold_left (fun acc (name,pos,kind) ->
if pos <> null_pos then begin
acc @ (find_references tctx com with_definition name pos kind)
else acc
let pos_filters =
List.fold_left (fun acc (_,p,_) ->
if p = null_pos then acc
else Statistics.SFPos p :: acc
) [] (collect_reference_positions com)
let usages = find_references tctx com with_definition pos_filters in
let usages =
List.sort (fun p1 p2 ->
let c = compare p1.pfile p2.pfile in
Expand All @@ -113,7 +112,7 @@ let find_references tctx com with_definition =

let find_implementations tctx com name pos kind =
let t = Timer.timer ["display";"implementations";"collect"] in
let symbols,relations = Statistics.collect_statistics tctx (SFPos pos) false in
let symbols,relations = Statistics.collect_statistics tctx [SFPos pos] false in
let rec loop acc relations = match relations with
| ((Statistics.Implemented | Statistics.Overridden | Statistics.Extended),p) :: relations -> loop (p :: acc) relations
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37 changes: 20 additions & 17 deletions src/context/display/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type statistics_filter =
| SFPos of pos
| SFFile of string

let collect_statistics ctx pfilter with_expressions =
let collect_statistics ctx pos_filters with_expressions =
let relations = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let symbols = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let handled_modules = Hashtbl.create 0 in
Expand All @@ -33,10 +33,13 @@ let collect_statistics ctx pfilter with_expressions =
let check_pos = match pfilter with
| SFNone -> (fun p -> p <> null_pos)
| SFPos p -> (fun p' -> p.pmin = p'.pmin && p.pmax = p'.pmax && path_key p.pfile = path_key p'.pfile)
| SFFile s -> (fun p -> path_key p.pfile = path_key s)
let check_pos p =
List.exists (fun pfilter ->
match pfilter with
| SFNone -> p <> null_pos
| SFPos p1 -> p1.pmin = p.pmin && p1.pmax = p.pmax && path_key p1.pfile = path_key p.pfile
| SFFile s -> path_key p.pfile = path_key s
) pos_filters
let add_relation p r =
if check_pos p then try
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,22 +74,22 @@ let collect_statistics ctx pfilter with_expressions =
let collect_implementations c =
let memo = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let rec loop c' =
if not (Hashtbl.mem memo c'.cl_path) then begin
Hashtbl.add memo c'.cl_path true;
if c'.cl_interface then
add_relation c.cl_name_pos (Extended,c'.cl_name_pos)
let rec loop c1 =
if not (Hashtbl.mem memo c1.cl_path) then begin
Hashtbl.add memo c1.cl_path true;
if c1.cl_interface then
add_relation c.cl_name_pos (Extended,c1.cl_name_pos)
else begin
add_relation c.cl_name_pos (Implemented,c'.cl_name_pos);
add_relation c.cl_name_pos (Implemented,c1.cl_name_pos);
List.iter (fun cf ->
let cf' = PMap.find cf.cf_name c'.cl_fields in
let cf' = PMap.find cf.cf_name c1.cl_fields in
add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Implemented,cf'.cf_name_pos)
with Not_found ->
) c.cl_ordered_fields
List.iter loop c'.cl_descendants
List.iter loop c1.cl_descendants
List.iter loop c.cl_descendants
Expand All @@ -101,21 +104,21 @@ let collect_statistics ctx pfilter with_expressions =
let patch_string_pos p s = { p with pmin = p.pmax - String.length s } in
let related_fields = Hashtbl.create 0 in
let field_reference co cf p =
let p' = patch_string_pos p cf.cf_name in
add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Referenced,p');
let p1 = patch_string_pos p cf.cf_name in
add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Referenced,p1);
(* extend to related classes for instance fields *)
if check_pos cf.cf_name_pos then match co with
| Some c ->
let id = (c.cl_path,cf.cf_name) in
begin try
let cfl = Hashtbl.find related_fields id in
List.iter (fun cf -> add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Referenced,p')) cfl
List.iter (fun cf -> add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Referenced,p1)) cfl
with Not_found ->
let cfl = ref [] in
let check c =
let cf = PMap.find cf.cf_name c.cl_fields in
add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Referenced,p');
add_relation cf.cf_name_pos (Referenced,p1);
cfl := cf :: !cfl
with Not_found ->
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